Arrival chapter 1

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  This probably will be discontinued later on but you guys can use it for other stories or oneshots or short stories if you want to!

Narrators POV

Merlin awoke to the sun in his eyes

He got up surprisingly before Gaius
Anyways he went to go grab the kings breakfast, and of course, when he was walking out of the kitchen, Gwaine tried to steal his food.
But he dodged him, obviously.

"Rise and shine! Today is going to be a great day!"

He got a groan as a response
"You prat! Get up! Your late for training!"

Time skip

Merlin was sitting on the sidelines watching the knights and King Arthur practice when merlin heard a rustling sound in some bushes over near the woods

Merlin quickly got up and stealthily walked over to the entrance to the woods
"Whose there?"

"Pleh!" "Help!"
He heard chains rattle after he heard the strange word
"Mi deniahc pu! Nac uoy pleh em?" "I'm chained up! Can you help me?"
( the language that the person is speaking is just English backwards but the words are in place also I've put what they mean right next to the word in this font)

"Who are you? I can't understand you!"

Merlin didn't receive an answer instead he just heard more chains rattling
He cautiously walked into the woods
He saw a strange blue haired figure that was chained up

More specifically the figure looked like this because my lazy arse doesn't want to describe him

More specifically the figure looked like this  because my lazy arse doesn't want to describe him

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He looked like this just without the magic orb and chained up

"Nac uoy pleh em? Esaelp?" "Can you help me? Please?"

Merlin could clearly see that he was in pain
"I'll help you!"

Merlin used magic to help unbind this poor soul from the chains
"Haohw!" "Whoah!"

300 words not including this sentence!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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