Part 2: A Talk In The Garden

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Art Credits: Minus Sass

That's what the signature is so I'm hoping it's right 👺

--no one pov--


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George woke up to the sound of scratching on wood, he laid there curious to what he was hearing,

He shuffles around a bit in his bed taking in all of the comfort from waking up,
He engulfs himself in the blanket while rolling around, and finally he gets up when he continues to hear the mysterious scratching, it was coming from the door,

<George Pov>

I got up from the wonderful comfort of my bed and walk towards my bedroom door,
I open it and look around, I Hear a meow, I look down and see patches looking up at me,
"You hungry?" I say in a baby voice, Quickly patches trots over to her food bowl,

I follow her and once we arrive, I hold a bag of cat food and shake it a little, she circles around my feet wanting the food, I proceed to pour the food in her bowl, Quickly she jumps up to where her food is and starts digging in, "You must've been hungry" I say following along with a little giggle and petting her fur

<Pov: no one>

George gets a cup of water and fills patches water, George then hears slow and light footsteps coming from behind him, He looks behind himself And sees Dream looking like he was sneaking up on him,
"Goodmorning, Dream" George said with a smirk on his face, "Aww, you caught me, Well..Goodmorning" Dream said playfully with slight disappointment,

"What're you doing?"
"Just feeding patches"
"Oh alright"

George walks over to the fridge and opens it, he Quickly pulls out a GATORADE FROST GLACIER FREEZE and opens it up, He takes a sip, closes it and sets it down on the counter he was leaning on

"What are you doing, Dream?" George says, "I dunno, stealing your drink?" Dream says, snatching georges drink, Before George could even speak, Dream took a sip and put it back down, "Dream What The Hell?" George spoke dramatically, grabbing it off the counter and walking toward the couch,
George places his GATORADE FROST GLACIER FREEZE on the table infront of him,

He turn on the TV and watches who know what
He doses off Into his mind, until..

"Goodmorning!" Sapnap yells while walking out of his bedroom,
"What was up with you yesterday, sap?" Dream questioned, slightly tilting his head to the side

"What do you mean?" Sapnap spoke nervously, "You know what I'm talking about, with the whole,
"Do YOu Like HiMmMm?!" Stuff" Dream spoke sternly while staring at sapnap, "I'll leave you two be.."
George said with a slightly confused tone added to his voice, while saying that he stood up and took his GATORADE FROST GLACIER FREEZE with him as he walked outside to get away from the
Soon to be madness in their house,

~Time Skip~

After Dream And Sapnap "Talk" About It For A While, Dream comes outside and sees George sitting sitting in a chair reading a book wrapped I a blanket in they're garden, Dream grabs a chair and sits next to him, "Whatcha Readin'?" Dream said with a goofy tone in his voice, George jumps, being startled by Dream, Dream chuckles at him, "Oh its- nothing.." George says while placing a bookmark in his book, and closing it..

"Into the-" Dream reads from the cover of the book but George quickly turns it away, "INTO THE WHAT?" Dream said, being annoyingly nosey, "its none of your business" George said, fearing
Dream would make fun of him for reading a book about cats

"So..what were you talking about to sapnap?" George asked
"Last night you fell asleep leaning on me, and apparently that "Triggered" Sapnap?" Dream said, annoyance clear in his voice, "Sorry.." George said, A light shade of red brushing over his face,
"I didn't know I did"

"Oh I don't mind, but apparently sapnap does" Dream says, rolling his eyes,

"Pfft, he's just jealous because you- because- because- umm.." George speaks, stuttering between words realizing he really shouldn't of said that

"You okay?" Dream says following it along with a little giggle putting his hand on George's shoulder
"Yeah..I'm fine" George focuses on a peice of grass that's blowing in the wind

They continue talking until they hear a loud THUD come from inside
They both look up from eachother and look at through the window, they couldn't see anything because of the curtains so Dream gets up and peaks through the door and sees Sapnap Sitting on the floor

"You okay, Sap?" Dream speaks sorta worried, Sapnap looks up at him, "Yeah, I just tripped" Sapnap spoke, but as he begun to get up, Dream leant him a hand, How could I say no to this! Sapnap thought
While grabbing Dreams hand,

Dream pulled sapnap up, George heard what they were saying so he knew what happened and didn't bother to get up, in fact, he just leadned back even more, Getting extra comfy, until he suddenly feels like he hasn't eaten in a week, he sadly gets up from the lawn chair, because somehow that was apparently one of the most comfortable chairs for him, He walked through the house and to the kitchen, he opens the pantry and grabs anything his hand touches first, A bag of chips, alright

He walks to the couch and sees Dream and sapnap Sitting there, Dream was sitting in the middle of the couch and sapnap was sitting to the left, Dream was sitting closer to the right so there wasn't much room, but George still managed to squeeze in, "You want a chip?" George asked holding a chip up to dream
"Sure" Dream said, softly smiling at him and grabbing the chip, he ate it and George Continued to eat from the bag, all of they're eyes were focused on the tv, patches jumped up and walked around everyone, Getting Pets from all of them, then she sat in between sapnap and Dream and fell asleep

<time skip to the next day 🤠>

Dream stood over Sapnap, shaking him awake, "Saaaapppnnnnaaaaaaappp" Dream spoke, stretching out the word, sapnap, sapnap finally woke up, "What do you want, Dream" sapnap said following it with a groan, "Come here, I gotta show you something! " Dream said, Clearly very excited,

Sapnap follows Dream out to the living room, "Look!" Dream says, pointing toward the..

Jahahaha cliffhanger ⛰🔼🪂

Jahahaha cliffhanger ⛰🔼🪂

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I didn't draw that

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