"I'm Mark. Want my chips?" the boy said, offering my bag of potato chips.

"Sure. I like your accent," Jake complimented him.

"Thanks, I'm Australian," Mark explained, sitting down.

"That's cool, when did you move?" Jake asked, eating the chips.

"Two years ago. It's so different here; my dad kept forgetting that the roads are flipped!" Mark explained. "You're in my social studies class, right?"

"Yeah," Jake answered.

"You're really quiet. Sometimes I forget you're there," Mark remarked.

Jake laughed and looked right, seeing a girl with blond hair and a darker skinned boy walking toward their table. He also recognized them from his social studies class.

"Hey Mark, who's this?" the girl asked, looking at Jake.

"Oh, his name is Jake," Mark answered.

Jake waved shyly.

"Hi, I'm Courtney!" the girl introduced herself, sitting beside Mark.

"And I'm Anthony, but I go by Tony," the boy added, sticking out his hand, "You're in our social studies class, right?"

"Yep. I like your earrings," Jake complimented him, shaking his hand.

"Thanks," Tony said, before looking at Mark.

"I told you someone would like them!" he teased.

Mark laughed.

"Which homeroom teacher do you guys have?" Jake asked, eating his chips.

"Oh, Mrs. Gretchen," Tony answered, wrinkling his nose.

"Oh, Mrs. Mean Machine," Jake joked.

"Yeah, she gives so much homework," Courtney complained.

As the others talked, Jake looked farther across the cafeteria, and saw Miley. She was eating by herself, unbothered.

"Oh, you know the new kid as well," Tony said, bringing him back to reality.

"Yeah, she's really nice," Jake answered.

"I couldn't get a word out of her," Tony remarked, "Don't know how you did it."

"Didn't you drop something on her foot?" Courtney blurted.

Jake blushed and looked down.

"Courtney!" Mark scolded her, slapping her arm.


"No, she's right. I'm a klutz," Jake said, smiling sheepishly.

"Let's invite her over!" Courtney proposed, standing up.

"I don't think she'd-'' Jake stared.

"I'm okay with it. Tony?" Mark interrupted.

"Sure," Tony said.

"Okay," Courtney said, walking toward Miley.



Miley was eating her food as a random girl skipped over to her. Miley looked her up and down, unsure of her intention.

"Hi, I'm Courtney! What's your name?" the girl asked.

"Miley," Miley answered quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Miley. We were wondering if you wanted to sit with us," Courtney said.

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