CH 4

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Jihwa rushes out the next day to see Seungho. He didn't want to anger the devil. So he didn't waste no time as he woke up and left.

"Lord Jihwa has come to visit"Servant lee said
"Let him in"Seungho replies as Nakyum stood up to leave them alone.

"Seungho what is it that you wanted yesterday?"Jihwa asks standing as he took off his hat and made himself at home.

"How strange"Seungho thought

Jihwa was acting normal but Jihwa was never normal he always came to seek for Seungho's touch.

"Have you seen the slave? Y/n?"Seungho asked
"I haven't I was out drinking since you won't take me in because of those two low born"Jihwa scuffed.

"He is still Jihwa"Seungho thought

Seungho reached out to pull Jihwa in for a kiss. Jihwa didn't protest as he automatically gave in as he kissed him back.

Satisfied by Jihwa's response he doesn't hesitate to take off Jihwa's rope only to see marks on him.

"Who?"Seungho asked
"I don't remember I was drunk"Jihwa replied
"Don't lie to me Jihwa"Seungho said with his hand gripping on Jihwa's chin to study him.

Those lips were not of men's these were size of a woman's lips.

"It couldn't be her?"Seungho thought

Looking at Jihwa's flushed face as Seungho's hand traced the marks on him.

"Servant Kim check his house"Seungho ordered.
"SEUNGHO!"Jihwa calls out
"What? are you hiding something from me?"Seungho asked looking at Jihwa

"No but this- you are insulting my name by doing this what would people think of me?"Jihwa yelled
before Seungho could answer his servant spoke.

"We found her"

Oh he was really angry and he would punish you for it. As for Jihwa he was interested in why you accepted him right after you rejected him.

You were held by your arms firmly and there was no way out. You stepped on one of the men's leg and slipped out of the other's hold.

You then started running away from them but you bumped into Seungho

"Nice try"Seungho said dragging you with him

He looked really angry and this time you were scared unlike the first time when he had the sword at your throat. You ended up sitting next to Jihwa infront of him.

"So he found out about it"You thought biting your bottom lip.

"How dare you! You a mere slave insult me"Seungho slapped you and of course Jihwa was shocked by his action.

He couldn't help but flinch but as well check up on you as you traced your burning cheek with tears rolling down.

"Why would you choose him over me NO why did you try to run away?"Seungho said

He lowered himself to your level as he grabbed your hair forcing you to look up at him.

"You think you will survive in this country when you are the only black person here plus a female"Seungho said

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