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It was just about the time you left as you and some people sailed from North Korea and were in the sea now. Some were headed to Africa like you and some were going back to their families in South Korea.


"Hmm?"You replied
"Grap the net and get us some fishes it will take days to go to Africa"the man said

You looked at him then at everyone else they were also doing something so you nodded.

"Yes sir"You replied

You grabbed the net as you opened it wide you threw it into the sea. You were not paying attention around you but the sea.


You were thrown into the sea as they laughed at you sailing away from you. You were glad you knew how to swim but for how long?

You let yourself float as you felt tired. Your hanbok was soaking wet and your hair was wet.

"So much for finally leaving North Korea"You mumbled
"I guess this is how I die"You thought looking at the sky.


You didn't even realize when you have closed your eyes but you opened them and you were in a beach. You were glad that you were alive. You saw the light further and followed it. You found an empty cabin.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"You called out

You went through it as you opened your bag. Your books were wet. You took off your robes. You only were now in chest band and skirt. You lit the fire place on and dusted the mattress. 

The cabin seemed to be old yet it looked like it was used recently. You set the books and your robes next to the fire so it dries. You waited for a while as you looked at your book.

You started writing how your day went today before going to sleep.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

You woke up hearing noises it sounded like horses and carriage. You dressed up quickly seeing how your hanbok has completely dried. You packed up your book and ink thrn left.

You followed where the carriage was going and found yourself in the market place. Everyone was looking at you with weird looks.

"Of course they would after all they have never seen a black girl walking around in the market"You thought as you rolled your eyes.

"Can't you see where you are going!"The man growled at you.

"I apologize sir I wasn't looking my way"You bowed even tho he was the one who bumped into you.
"Oh you speak hangeul"He said as you bowed

"Come with me"He said grabbing your hand
"Sir i would not like to follow you"You said trying to get out of his grip but two men helped him by carrying you.

They threw you on a chair as you stood up but immediately was held down by two men. The other man who seems to be their boss smiled.

"You will bring us a lot of fortune dear don't
worry"He said as he rippled hanbok.

He smiled as you felt a very hot stinking iron being layed on your left arm. They were smart as they have covered your mouth with your clothes. Your screams came out muffled and unheard.

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