"Aww that means a lot to me. Thank you so much. Do you have a twitter? I would love to follow you!"

"Yeah I do! My username is @HoransPrincess8385"

I took my phone out and found her twitter. I followed her and then put my phone back in my pocket.

"Awesome, I followed you!"

"Thank you so much! My plane is about to take board, so I have to go. Thanks for the autograph and the follow!"

I gave her a hug and told her it was no problem. I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and saw that it was 1:24. The boys would be here soon! I went on twitter and debated if I should tweet or not. Fans would be able to figure out that I'm here and then we would be trampled and I wouldn't get a proper hello from Harry. I didn't tweet, but I did follow a few nice fans. Then I got a text from Harry.

From: Harry<3

Hey sweetie! We just landed. They are letting us out before the rest of the passengers, so we will be out in a few minutes! I love you! xx

I smiled to myself and then wrote back.

To: Harry<3

Yay! I'm out here waiting for you! Can't wait to see you babe! xo

I smiled as I hit send. Then I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and kiss my cheek. I screamed and was about the kick them in the nuts until I turned around and saw my boyfriend.

"HARRY!" I screamed as I saw his face.

I gave him a deep kiss and a tight hug. Louis shouted from behind us to get a room. We both laughed and Harry kissed my forehead. I gave each of the other boys a hug and wished them each a Merry Christmas, even though Christmas was 3 days ago. Paul was with them, so I gave him a hug too. Security wanted us to get out of the airport as soon as possible. Me and Harry walked hand in hand through the gates and through the airport. Occasionally I would catch him looking at me and smiling. I would smile back at him and we would both laugh. When we reached the area where the fans were, they were allowed to take a few pictures and sign a few autographs. It surprised me that a few people were screaming my name too. They asked me questions and wanted pictures with me. Harry took my hand and pulled me away.

"Your good with crowds." He said to me.

"Aw thanks. That was the first time I actually experienced fans mobbing me though."

"Really? Wow it looked like you've bad tons of practice." He said and we both laughed.

We got into the limo and me and Harry sat in back while the rest of the boys sat in front of us. Harry's hand was on my lap, and my hand was resting on his.

"So what are we doing today?" Niall asked.

"We need to check you boys into the hotel first. Olivia, do you want to come or should we drop you off at your house?" Paul asked me.

"Ill come with you and help unpack." I offered.

"Do you have dance today?" Harry asked me.

"I told them I couldn't make it." I told him.

"ooooh we have a badass in the hizzle!" Louis said. The rest of us all laughed.

"Aww babe. You didn't have to do that. You didn't get in trouble?" Harry asked me.

"They sort of understand now that I'm dating a world famous superstar. Plus they know that I know the moves, so they said that when I miss practice, I just have to review the dances a few times." I told Harry.

"Awesome! That's great." He said.

I smiled and Zayn turned on the radio. The 5 boys and me immediately starting singing along to any song that came on. Pretty soon we pulled into the boys hotel. It was huge! We went in through a back exit while Paul checked us in. All of the boys had separate room, so I went with Harry and sat on his bed while he put clothes in the drawers.

"When should I give you your Christmas gift?" I asked him.

"Babe you didn't need to get me anything. I have everything I need right in front of me."

I blushed as he came and sat next to me.

"Well I got you something anyway, so too bad."

"Fine. I got you something too. How about tomorrow night, ill take you out somewhere nice and we can exchange gifts then. Does that work?"

"Yup! That sounds perfect." I told him.

"Great!" He said as he leaned foreword and kisses my lips.

"I've missed your lips on mine." He whispered into my ear.

I reached my hands up to his curly hair and his hands wrapped around my waist. He pulled me onto his lap, so that I was facing him and my legs were wrapped around his waist. I traced my tongue along his lower lip. He parted his lips and we were in a full make out session.

We were interrupted when the four boys came barging into the room. We quickly pulled apart from each other. They all screamed and covered each others eyes. They ran out of the room. I saw a pair of eyes peek in and see if the path was clear. We stopped kissing, so they entered again. Much calmer this time. They ran over to the bed and started jumping on it.

"Where do you wanna go tonight?" Zayn asked.

"Umm...how about just a night at the girls apartment?" Harry suggested.

"That sounds good with me! They're good cooks!" Louis said.

I laughed and agreed to the plan. We got into the limo and drove over to the apartment. The girls gave the boys hugs and wished them a Merry Christmas.

Let's get this party started! :D


Thank you again to anyone who is reading! It means a lot to me! Love you all!! xoxo

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