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(Also posted in my MG journal!)

Today was an amazing day despite yesterday being one of the worst this year: It felt soemhow way too good to be real and I literally did multiple reality checks in the morning to make sure Im not dreaming anymore: Today/Last night I had an awesome dream again, this time dreaming about me going to Alfea, meeting some of the Winx club and other magical/mythical girls from various tvshows (plus two girls from my school), attending my very first year, fighting some villians AND on top of that transforming into a mix of Winx clubs charmix and my ultimate butterfly form. The dream was something lika a montage/recap of my Alfea year, similar to the ones you see in shows or movies ain the end/at the beginning - and I was so happy after I woke up, the rest of this day turned pretty positive too.

Now, what does this mean for me? Personally, Im actually thinking about maybe manifesting to attend to Alfea, which would be kinda tricky in terms of how i should then show up on earth if i have to fight as an MG, but then, on the other hand, I could use fast teleportation in order to solve this problem and be back in my school some hours later. Ive decided to mix the Winx club concept up with the Svtfoe Butterfly one- I will go on further in this topic during my winter holidays which start friday!

Another update and a new book on that soon!


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