The man from FBI

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Pitter patter..

A girl with short/long [h/c] hair is running down the road, tears showed in the corner of her eyes but she ignored it. She doesn't care if she looks pathetic since all she wants is to be alone for now. She keeps running and running, completely ignoring the worried look from the nearby people until her eyes land on a swing in a lone park.

Maybe it's not a bad idea to stop by, besides there's no one there. With that, she slowly approaches the swing before sitting on it. Her [e/c] eyes clouded with so much sadness behind them as she reminisced about a sentence someone spoke to her earlier.

'[F. Name] is like a potato, how can a star like Higo or Akira date her, or even like her in the first place?'

"Ah.." her eyes start to sting as her vision becomes blurred by her tears that threaten to come out. She can't help but remember the words Shinichi said again and again.

Is she..really that ugly?

[F. Name] sniffled quietly. She can feel how her heart breaks into million pieces for what her crush just said to her. It's hurt to hear that your crush; someone you loved dearly in your heart says that you're like a potato—like a loser.

"So that's how I am in his eyes, huh?" [F. Name] chuckled bitterly, unknown to her there's a pair of blue eyes observing her from afar. The mysterious figure has seen all of [F. Name]'s trouble, minus what she mumbled to herself since how quiet her voice was. After debating for a couple of minutes, the figure slowly walked up to her silently. He halted in his tracks when he hears her singing.

"You are the ocean's gray waves..." The voice she so sad, yet also filled the man's heart with something he can't describe. What was it? A sadness? Or just lingering loneliness?

"Destined to seek, life beyond the shore just out of reach." [F. Name] sings. Sometimes, the cure of sadness is simply a song, that's what she always thought.

"Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time..the path is yours to climb."

The man can't help but stand on there like an idiot, gawking at the sound of her voice. It'll be a lie if he said her voice isn't a charming one.

"In endless dream, countless realms collide." Ah, those lyrics hit his heart. It's like the girl is singing about the war he's in with a certain organization right now.

"Hope falls only to rise like the changing tide, but offerings come to an end, just whisper on the wind.."

Okay, now it seems like she's indeed singing the story about himself, the man thought. He remembers how his hope crashed when that man know his identity as an FBI agent.

"Sing with me one last time.." [F. Name] swing herself using her leg slowly, her eyes closed as she continued the song. "..For light's sacrifice. Endless dawn came but not without a price."

The man slowly walks up to the swing beside [F. Name] and sit on it while the latter is still in her world, where nobody could disturb her. Opening her mouth again, [F. Name] sings again.

"Lost in the waves, their glimmers. A pale blue stone, I think of you all alone.."

"That's a nice song." The man blurted his thought without he realize it, halting [F. Name] as she quickly open her eyes and turned at the voice.

A tall man of Japanese descent with short wavy hair covered in a beanie is sitting next to her. His blue eyes; which have permanent bags underneath gazed at the scenery in front of him, refusing to look at [F. Name]'s eyes.

The south breeze | detective Conan x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu