After a few seconds he opens his eyes and turns in Harry's direction, only to find him already looking at him. Their eyes meet and Louis totally forgets about the purple and pink, his mind now focused on the beautifulest shade of green he has ever laid eyes on.

Louis knows he is blushing -a thing he tends to do a lot when he is with Harry- but he does not mind because Harry is smiling sweetly at him and his lovely dimple is on display.

"Why don't you watch the sunset?" Louis whispers, still looking at Harry.

"Why aren't you?" Harry replies cheekily.

Louis smiles wider and replies. "Because you were staring at me like a creep."

Harry laughs and looks down at his glass before turning to the city and taking a sip. Louis does the same and the sun is now only half visible, the other part hidden behind the mountains.

"Tell me something about you, Hero." Harry asks and Louis looks at him, surprised, but Harry is not looking back, his gaze on the sunset.

"Um, what do you want to know?" Louis asks.

"What you're willing to tell me." Harry replies.

Louis nods to himself and thinks for a few minutes, trying to find some interesting things about him to tell Harry. He has a pretty boring life, which is the reason for this trip, actually.

"So, um." Louis starts but he has to think about something to say. Something simple. "Okay. I studied drama and wanted to become a teacher, but I didn't find any job so I started working in a restaurant instead. I don't know how to cook but I was just a waiter until the incident." He says and he hears Harry let out a laugh.

"The incident that got you fired. Beautiful story." He looks at Louis with a stupid smile on his face that makes Louis rolls his eyes, grin evident on his face. "You want to become a drama teacher?" Harry then asks.

Louis nods, drinking from his glass. "Yeah. I don't know if I still want to, though." Je shrugs.

"Oh? Why?" Harry asks curiously.

Louis shrugs again, mindlessly tracing the edge of his glass. "I don't really know. Maybe the fact that I can't find a job is making me a bit less enthusiastic."

Harry hums and nods. The sun is fully set now, the stars displayed in the cloudless sky above them. There is no light except the moon's and the one from the city farther away.

They are silent for a little moment, listening to the birds chirping and the few noises of the city, the cars and the occasional sirens.

"Tell me about you, now that I told you about me." Louis says.

"What if I say no?" Harry raises a challenging eyebrow.

"That's only fair if you answer too." Louis tells him and Harry nods, smiling.

"Fine. I have a sister, Gemma. She's like my best friend, and we're very close. She studies in England and doesn't live far from my mum and often visits her. But I feel kind of guilty for leaving them both behind, especially my mum. She has my stepdad of course, but I know she misses me as much as I miss her and it's hard not to see each other as much as we used to." He sighs.

Louis understands what he means, but he can't really get it. He has never really been away from his family until this impromptu trip, and it is already hard. He can't imagine how Harry is feeling.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Louis asks him.

"Maybe three months ago, if not more." He says sadly.

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