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Y/N had drifted off to sleep in a scary nightmare that seemed so real. 

It was in your bedroom, dark outside. You couldn't hear or see Pompom anywhere, along with your family. It was way too quiet, which made you shiver in the cold presence that was already here. You hoped this was just Schizophrenia making things worse, but it was as bad as it could get. Persephone wasn't seen in certain angles, which was good. But there was one thing about the dream that set the fear level to extreme.

The toys.

They were lined up and facing you. Even the bunny, which was your favorite freaked you out. You suddenly heard a noise coming from the dolls. It's fine, it's just your Schizophrenia, you thought. Then, you heard a faint noise, a cracking noise. You turned around to the wall behind you and saw it cracking apart to reveal a blue door. A small, blue door which gave you the vibe something was going to come out of it. But that shit only happened in movies, right? Turns out, the door opened, and something did come out. You gasped at the sight. It was a man, with long red hair, and bright green eyes. It was hard to explain everything else, because it seemed so paranormal

"Y/N, I've heard everything about you," the man chuckled. What type of sadistic dream was this?! 

"H-How do you know my name?!" you asked. 

"I'm a good guesser," and with that he started laughing at the joke you didn't even find funny. When he finished, he sighed.

"You're like me," he said, "friendless."

"Shut up!" you screamed at him, "I don't need some stranger telling me this."

"I want you to come with me," he said. 

"Never!" Then, the disoriented song played. Pop goes the weasel played, but in a scary tone. This was the worst nightmare you'd ever witness.

"Wake up!" you yelled to yourself.

And with that, you woke up. All of the toys were in the same spot that you left them, not like how the dream was. The wall was not cracked, and Pompom was snuggling you in your bed. She noticed your behavior and nuzzled you.

"I just had a bizarre dream..." you muttered to Pompom. She was a dog, so it was like talking to yourself because, she couldn't response. But her actions spoke her words. She gently licked your hand, telling you it's over now. It was just a dream. It seemed to be detailed to be a dream...way too much. 

"Y/N!" mom called, "waffles are getting cold!" you sat up and rubbed your eyes. Then opened the doors and ran downstairs.

"How did you sleep, Y/N?" asked dad.

"I had the strangest nightmare last night..." you told them.

"Persephone again?" mom sighed. You parents do not believe in Persephone and tease you for being scared of your own shadow. Persephone was much more than that. 

"No," you said, "it was just...weird." 

"Huh," your dad said. You started to pour fresh maple syrup on your waffles. Pompom begged on the floor by you. How could you say 'no' to that face? You cut up a piece of the waffle and gave Pompom some. She munched it up and barked in please. 

"Today is your meeting with your doctor," mom said.

"Not him..." you moaned.

"One more day," she reassured. Your doctor's name was Gaberiel, Gabe for short. Gabe was a terrible doctor who had no clue what he was doing. He would laugh at you when you said anything about Persephone, or the voices. Mom didn't believe he was that bad, because she never even seen him. He also thought you were crazy, and there was nothing you could do about it. So, when you visited, it was just a waste of time. You dragged yourself in the car, hating the moment when you have to see him. 

A/N: Jason can be so scary but so awesome at the same time! Idk how but yeah. He gives me kind of a crackhead vibe, so that's what he is, along with his other personality. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed chapter two! Chapter three will be like when Toby was at the therapist and Slender came to terrorize him, but Slender is Jason this time. <D

have a good day or night!

Pins and Needles (Jason the Toymaker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now