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Shou Takahashi, High school. 15-year-old and only son of the biggest company in Japan. If I have to say something about myself, all I can say is perfect. My life is perfect, the one that many kids want. A happy WEALTHY life.

Being the only son of such a wealthy person meant I got everything I wanted even before I thought about it. The things I wanted were always given to me without any questions. But as they say, you always have to pay for getting something. I was loaded with studies and stuff from a young age. I skipped two years since I was smarter than my age.

So, right, I am currently 15 but in the high-school second year.

Then again, along with such wealth came my protection. I was appointed with a butler. Then a personal maid.

I was approached by many kids from reputed families. Many boys tried to be my friend. Many girls tried to lure me. It would have worked on me if I was like any other boy. I always wanted to be alone, resulting in me rejecting every approach.

I kept my personal space as personal as one can. Even my butler only knew about my school schedule and nothing more.

I planned my whole day's schedule.

And in that schedule, the whole day was filled with reading and watching manga and anime.

Yup, I am and proud of being an otaku. Manga is my life. I can't live without them. I always carry at least a single manga in my bag so I am not alone while travelling back or to school. I like the company of manga.

My day contained only three things. School, eating and manga.

And as I said, that day was no different. I came home from school. I ate something that was made by the maid. And then I locked myself inside my room so I could re-read naruto.

Naruto is one of my favourite animes. Amazing story, amazing plot. Funny scenes, funny jokes. Insane comedy. Marvellous fights. Cool names. Brotherhood. Some nice romance. Great friendship moments.

There sure are things about the naruto series that I hate. Like, how can a guy like naruto, spend his five years and still not get much strong? He WAS strong, but not stronger than Sasuke. After that two-year time skip, Sasuke was still ahead of naruto.

And then we have Sasuke. He was such a cool guy, and then he became my most hated character. I understand that he was a kid, the fact of his whole clan being massacred was a huge trauma for him. But he left the village without knowing how much it could've made him strong.

Then we have sakura. That girl was SO fucking useless in the classic! Like for god's sake!! Can't she even do simple things to help the team? And when she finally became strong in Shippuden, the stronger enemies poured put like rain! How the fuck can a side female lead be shown like that!

The shit was like, Side male lead and side female lead fucked up half of the series!! And the main lead was a goof with only talk no Jutsu to its max!!! Fuck!!

Then comes the side characters! Half of the rookie nine were not even close to being called among the strongest!!

And we had one! We had! Neji Hyuga the one with the capabilities of surpassing many strongest, even the homages was killed in the fourth war! I.Fucking.hated.that!!

Then there's the byakugan princess. The way she behaved in the fourth ninja war, with no contribution at all, I think she just muds that title. She progressed well in the pain arc but went silent again! Screen time fucked up her whole shinobi career!

And then we have the ultra simping by Hinata and sakura! The whole classic these girls spent their time simping on Sasuke and naruto. Then in Shippuden, Hinata became official non-existent and sakura became the official idiotic simp.

This girl liked Sasuke even after he tried killing her and naruto. And she just ignored naruto's feelings! And then the last movie! What the fuck happened there? The whole plot moved like Sakura and naruto would end up together...and then we have naruhina. Ok, I don't care about Ship, but at least give a head up author. It was surprising even for me.

The naruto and shikamaru's ultimate friendship was buried due to so called brotherhood of naruto and sasuke. I just hoped that naruto would call shikamaru his best friend.

Sigh, so many things that could have been right and naruto's life would have been great...

But I can't stop myself from reading it! That's the charm of naruto. That series is dope. Despite all shit in it, I still like it.

I had already finished re-reading it, and only the last volume was left. I completed that and then fell asleep.

And what happened after, was completely illogical, non-sensical, and like a fantasy. Or more like, an isekai manga.

For some fucking reason, like my uncle wanting the head position in the company, which was supposed to be mine once I turned 20, he killed me by adding some stuff in my food.

And then I was in front of the ultimate god, who was as expected an old guy with a white beard.

With a few choices of worlds, he told me I was gonna be reincarnated. There were many worlds, but I didn't want to be in those worlds! If I had the chance, why not just dive into naruto!

I then selected naruto verse.

The god provided me with three wishes.

1] A system that will provide me with many quests, rewards, gifts, skills and stuff. No penalty and no punishments.

2] A separate space. A different subspace that'll be mine only will help me in training. Or something which I am not prepared for.

3] The most important one, a whole library of manga. Every single one and also it should be updated as the volumes update on earth.

The god had stopped me from asking anything from naruto verse, and anything that's too overpowered. The reason was, even being a god didn't mean he could just waste the world energy to grant me heavy and op wishes.

I chose the library wish, cuz I fucking like manga and I want them even if I have to waste my wish. God is real dawg. He advised me not to add the library in my system so it can be combined in a single wish.

But again, I got a really nice gift of listening to the god.

"You're a smart kid. One that's found in millions. Your intellect points will be making changes in the world you're going to. The points will also grant you many rewards. Some major, some minor."

That's what he told me, and with a small flick on my forehead, I was reincarnated in naruto verse. The first few moments it was all dark and then I was revealed to the light. Everything happened just like the canon. It may sound cringe or even absurd, but I am emotional when it comes to anime and manga. After all, I used to care more about these characters than any real person.

And then we are here, Minato and kushina pierced by a nail in their abdomen. I am just wondering, how cruel had Obito become to kill his own sensei and woman whom he recognised as a sister. Damn, guys in love are terrific. Getting brainwashed after seeing your lover die, how much do you even love her?

I guess being a baby took its effect and I fell asleep. All I had seen before asleep was kushina and Minato's face.

When I woke up, I was being handed to hiruzen.

With a small sadness in my heart that I had seen two of my fav characters die in front of me in flesh, I was ready to start the journey in this naruto verse I have only dreamt of!!

Let's go!!!


Hope you enjoyed, if you did good. If not, tell me what you hated. If you don't want to, it's fine. Cuz this will be the last remodel since i won't be re-modelling this chapt ever again 😜🥱

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