Dear Mr. Carraway

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"It is strange though, on days where there are no parties, we barely work at all... Why keep a full household staff, and then only use a handful of rooms in this big place?" He glanced back at the idling car once more.

The attendant's cheeks flushed, "sorry, I did not mean to sound ungrateful or unkindly to him. He is a decent man."

I shook my head, smiling, "you did not seem that way... What is your name by the way? I'm Alice."

"I go by Stephen."

"'Go by?' is that not your real name?"

He looked down at his newly polished leather shoes. "My real name is Stanislaus. People never say it right... and try getting a good paying job 'round here with a name like that."

It was awful but true. The wealthy New York elites scoff at Jay just because he earned the money he has. I imagine it's monumentally more challenging for anyone that doesn't fit into what high society would view as "normal."

I cannot even imagine how challenging it is to be surrounded by people like that day in and day out, being judged for coming from a different place or culture. "It's nice to meet you, Stanislaus. Did I say that right?"

Stanislaus smiled, "Yes ma'am, you did."

The door opened. "Welcome home!" Ms. Annika beamed. "I trust you had a nice time?" She noticed Stanislaus next to me but made no comment on Jay's absence.

"It was nice," I said, trying my best to sound chipper.

Truthfully, the encounter with Wolfsheim had me on edge, but I didn't want to let that show. In the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't matter what Wolfsheim did to me. I'm not even a part of this place, so how permanent could any harm be?

Helping Jay was more important.

Ms. Annika gestured to the stairs, "are you ready to retire?"

I took one last look at Gatsby's yellow car. It was no longer running, and Jay was no longer inside.

"Yes. I am pretty tired from the day."

I turned back to Stanislaus, "have a nice night."

He smiled, "thank you, Miss."

Ms. Annika and I walked up the winding stairs to my white room. "Do you need help getting off the garment, miss?"

I scoffed at the idea as she said it, but then I remembered how tricky it is to get these dresses off. "Yes please."

Ms. Annika began unzipping the top of the dress. "I hope the dress fits well. I hemmed it to better suit your height."

"I fit wonderfully thank you." My smile stretched into a smirk, "You know, the funniest thing that happened at dinner... Mr. Gatsby's pocket square was the same color."

Ms. Annika paused as she unzipped the garment "that is curious. What an interesting coincidence!" She continued unzipping the dress till it cascaded down at my ankles.

"Well, I hope you have a nice night Alice."

"Thank you, Annika. Good night."

There was no way I would be resting anytime soon. Not unless I had some sort of plan moving forward. Nick and Jay had already met. Everything has already been set in motion. If things continue the way they are going, Jay and Daisy will meet and the rest will be history.

It was true that Jay had already met Nick, but that did not mean that they had to continue meeting. I just have to do something to keep them apart.

I walked to my bedroom window, watching the small, neighboring home Nick occupied.

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