Chapter Six: Another Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

Sam booted up a computer in the back corner of the lab and located the altered list. There was a column of names, a column of powers, and a column of dosage levels. At first glance, there appeared to be a power listed for every kid, but a closer look revealed that many simply had "N/A" scribbled next to them. It seemed the Delta Labs scientists hadn't been able to test every kid they gave the serum to.

Sam sorted the list by dosage. There he was, right at the top, with a dose twice that of the name below him: Wren Cartwright. After Wren's name, the dose level dropped even farther. If dose level really did correspond to power, she was probably the only altered with her ability.

And Sam was the only altered with his.

Sam flipped the sorting order and scanned the names at the bottom. He recognized some from school but suspected these kids at the lowest dose level might not have powers at all. At least, that was his guess, until he spotted Eric's name as he scrolled toward the next highest dosage level.

Frowning, Sam kept scrolling, taking note whenever he recognized someone either from the Fortuna Guard or Scorpion. Before long, he had a rough idea of what dosage range corresponded to what ability. It started with the aerokinetics, then the cryokinetics and hydrokinetics, geokinetics, ferrokinetics, gyrokinetics—including Veronica—and then the pyrokinetics and electrokinetics.

But Eric didn't match that theory, with his name being in the lowest group instead of near the top. And Willow West's dose was close to Eric's, too, rather than fitting into the range of other cryos and hydros.

Wait, what about healers, like Raveena? Sam hadn't noticed her name as he scanned the list, but he could have easily missed it, given the list's length. He opened the search bar and typed her name in.


There were a few kids listed between Wren and the electrokinetics, and Sam supposed they could have been other kids with healing abilities, but he didn't want to make too many assumptions. Why wouldn't Raveena be here, though?

The researchers must not have gotten every kid's name and power. In fact, it would be more surprising if they did track down every last kid they'd given Serum-A after the accident. Still, it bothered Sam.

Well, there wasn't much else to look at. The list left Sam with new questions, but he felt one step closer to...something. Was this even useful information, though?

Sam leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples. He needed to relax. As he'd come to realize the past few weeks, the more stressed he was, the harder it was to stop other people's thoughts from spilling into his head.

He turned off the computer and headed up to the deck. Throwing things around with his mind might not make him feel better, but it probably wouldn't make him feel worse.



Adam finally returned from his campus tour. To everyone's relief, his journey with the stolen jetchopper had been successful.

As word of his return spread, the Fortuna Guard's altered made their way to the main lab, where the Newmans waited for them. Squeezing everyone around the table in the center of the room was getting tricky, with their numbers over twenty now, but they were still able to make it work today. They would have Scorpion's altered outnumbered by now, Sam realized, if it weren't for the fact that Scorpion had also been snagging new recruits.

Sam wound up standing between Eric and Veronica as the last few kids trickled in. Chatter filled the room. Charles and Beth were still finishing up a conversation of their own. Raveena came in last and squeezed into a spot on the other side of the table, reminding Sam of what he'd found that morning.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Fortuna Guard (#2) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now