Chapter 2: War

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Have you ever heard: what is promised is debt? In the life is very true and that includes the war, despite that there were a few the times that is applied. In those moments Hybrid was ready to aplicate it once the troop ships were found once they landed on Valkin

"Lord Hybrid" a droid said breakign the silence and then said "Our radars have detected near of seven docens of republican ships landing"

"Hmmm" she said

Hybrid knew this plan had been made by her sister, Plo wouldnt take so much risks and Anakin was open to take risks but he wouldnt be so calculator, all this had the sign of Zoey Palpatine; Hybrid was wishing, yearn destroying her sister, when she helped her master to kill Sidious she loved that moment so much that she couldnt wait to kill her.

"Your orders, Lord Hybrid" The droid asked

"Prepare the tanks and the battle droids B-2" She ordered

"Roger, Roger"

If this was a chess match it would seem both sisters were blinded by hatred, rage and rivalry to risk their bishops, knights and towers rather than risk their pawns but every match can be deceiving. The droids and the tanks left their base trully fast and were ready to attack and kill clones. The battle on the orbit was a light show however it was a macabre show despite of the clever leadership of Plo, Ahsoka and Eclipse, Grievous was thinking on a plan to tale back the control of the battle and the way to take it back and this would be extremly dangerous.

"I hope you can breath in the vaccum, Jedi" Grievous said while he lead his tie to the tie of Plo Koon

Grievous accelerated his tie to Plo's tie, Plo started shooting and tried to take aim to Grievous but the general was evading every shoot before they hit the ship, Plo was surprised but before the ships colide the jedi master turn his ship on a good timming, the plan of the general worked

"That was very clever" Ahsoka said surprised

"Indeed it was" Plo anwsered

They directed their gaze on the tie that was taking direction to control ship, the general understood that if the ship was destroyed the anger of Count Dooku would be the least of his worries, the rage of Hybrid would be

"He's going after Eclipse" Ahsoka said

"Red squad, regroup. We can let the general get near of that ship" Plo ordered

Despite that Plo and Ahsoka could keep Grievous busy there was still the small chance that he could get close enought to attack the young padawan, someone had to warn her

"Eclipse, can you hear me?" Ahsoka asked

"Loud and clear, Soka" She anwsered and ask "what is it? Im a little busy right now"

"Grievous manage to get free from us, he's going after you" she said

"Sounds charming" She anwsered sarcastically and letting a slight giggle

"Keep yourself alert if we cant contain him once more" Ahsoka said

"Count on it"

While Eclipse lead her squad in the inside of the ship she prepared an ion torpedo that would be an ungratefull surprise to the experimented general. In the surface of the planet the droid batallion of Hybrid arrived and started shooting right to left to what they tought it was the clone batallion, what would be their surprise when a shoot hit an hologram device?

"Its an hologram" The droid reported to Hybrid who was able to see thanks to holo-communication

"What?!" Hybrid said stunned

Remmember when i said that if this was a chess match and that they seemed to be risking their towers, bishops and knights? Well, Hybrid started to realize that she was the one that risked all once she saw that one of the holo-communications was disconnected , the clones and their tanks started their ambush without giving the droids time to respond or raise their shields, they didnt had the chance to defend themselves from lightsaber blades or force tecniques; they fell on a matter of minutes. Hybrid was lucky enought to feel her military error and now she had to think on a plan B

"Excellent plan, general" Rex said congratulating Zoey

"Thanks, Captain" she anwsered

"I never realized you had studied your sister so well" Anakin said a little amazed

"I told you that her overconfidence was just as big as her madness" Zoey anwsered

"So, whats phase two?" Anakin asked

"Knowing her , lets get to her headquarters while she's thinking on a plan B. The faster we get there, the faster Valkin will be set free" She said determinated

"Sounds good to me" Terry anwsered

While Zoey and Anakin prepared everything for a second attack the battle between the floats will give them an advantage something that would leave Hybrid and Grievous even more vulnerable and that would happend very soon. Eclipse lead her squad to the core of the ship.

"Gentlemen, prepare to shoot those ion torpedos" Eclipse ordered

"Commander Kryze" A clone said and procced " Our radars are indicating that general Grievous is 900 metters away from us"

"Get the party started without me. I'll give the general a present"

Eclipse left from where she came, her ship almost colide with Grievous's who avoid the ship of the padawan and they started a pursuit, she was making sure the general was following her and evading shoots, it was clear the experimented general was blinded by humilliation and rage making him unable to think on how to fight the padawan , Eclipse brought the general out of the inside of the ship and they found themselves in the crossed fire.

"I'll make you fall, Jedi" Grievous said with his meanicing tone

Eclipse felt his statement thanks to the force and she didnt hessitate on anwsering

"I doubt it"

Eclipse turned off her ship, something that the general found odd and this was something that Eclipse wanted, the ship took a 180° degree turn making the cannons looking at Grievous ship shooting the ion torpedo that seemed to missed the ship

"Ha!" The general exclamied and then said " Your aim is very poor, padawan"

The relif smile that was on the face of Grievous disapperd as soon as he heard the sound of the crystal craking, he had no time to fight the padawan and took the choice to get to his flagship before the crystal broke, he had at least 10 minutes to get there.

"What did you do there, Kryze?" Ahsoka asked

"A gift"

They saw that the control ship had explosions in a chain reaction and eventually a massive explosion that destroyed the ship

"Desire, how did it go? Is everyone fine?" Eclipse asked

"We're all fine commander. We only got a smell of fried chicken when we were leaving" the clone anwsered

"Good to hear, Desire"

Plo and Eclipse didnt loose time on letting know to Anakin and Zoey how the battle went, Grievous told the result to Hybrid to and the conversation didnt had a pleasent tone

"What you mean with "we should start leaving"? " Hybrid asked on a very angry and meancing voice tone

"It would be the smartest thing to do, Hybrid" Grievous said and procceded hiding the fear in his voice " The only droids that are opereting are the ones that i have on my ship, we are out numbered" He statted

"Then get reinforcements" She ordered, then she said " Valkin will stil be under my command, you have 30 minutes to get reinforcements otherwise if i manege to get out of this you're gonna know new levels of pain" she said meanacing and ending the holo-communication

Hybrid was for many the personifiaction of fear and among the persons in the galaxy that were deadly afriad of her Grievous was one of them, he order his droids to get reinforcemnts and raise the shields of the ship as soon as possible but little did he know that they wouldnt be able to get reinforcements.

Anakin, Zoey and a small group of clones got inside the acient jedi temple that were the HQ of Hybrid, this was looking easy, to easy, Zoey was thinking this was the first time that Yris was to vulnerabe but this time she would see that she underestimated a sith witch. In front of them droirds appeared, those droids were functional thanks to the force, this was an incredible force tecnique on behalf of Hybrid and as well a proof of dispair.

"You have a plan?" Anakin asked

"Yeah, get rid of them" Zoey anwsered

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