snowstorm- clingyshipping

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this one's a bit shorter but it leaves a lot to the imagination hue

pairing: clingyshipping (lucas x barry) <<
genre: citrus <<


The blizzard was relentless, howling winds keeping Barry booked up inside the cabin of a man who was kind enough to take him and Lucas in. By his side Infernape huffed, seeming just as irritated as his trainer was.

"This is just great," Barry sneered, glaring at the billions of snowflakes flying past the window he sat before. The blonde urged them to go away- or to at least lay off enough for him to make the trip to Snowpoint City. But alas, the snowflakes were little jerks.

Lucas stretched out on the bed of their shared room. It was a somewhat small living space on the far side of the cabin- opposite to where the cabin's owner- a hiker- had his own bedroom. Lucas' belongings were all put to the side on the floor against the wall, and all he wore were his shirt, socks, and pants.

"It'll be fine," Lucas reassured, watching as Barry recalled Infernape and started taking off his long-sleeve striped jacket. "We're better off staying here until the storm lessens. It should in the morning, apparently."

"It better," Barry grumbled, balling up his coat and tossing it on top of his bag resting on the floor. He knelt down to gently put Infernape's Pokéball in the bag as well. "This blows.."

"It's already getting dark, so better this than camping out in a blizzard," Lucas pointed out, and Barry stuck his tongue out at the other.

The cabin was silent. Their host had gone to sleep roughly half an hour ago, leaving Barry and Lucas to their own devices. Barry changed into a pair of sweatpants from his bag and flopped down on the bed beside Lucas, his amber eyes glued to the ceiling. Lucas fell silent a bit ago, gazing at Barry from beside him. The blonde could feel himself buzz under his friend's expression.

Barry often felt more jumpy (whether it was from anticipation or nerves) than he would ever admit, but this.. this was different. It was like Lucas' eyes alone were devouring him whole. There were times like these where they were alone, and Lucas would just.. stare at him. It took everything in Barry to suppress the shiver rolling down his spine. Lucas' huff of amusement gave away that he didn't do a great job at it.

"It's been a long trip to get here," Lucas said, "so I mean, it's nice to sleep somewhere that isn't outside."

Barry nodded and hummed, covering his eyes with his forearm. He still felt warm from being stared at so much, but it was a warmth he didn't.. necessarily hate.

"We should probably got bed soon, but.." Lucas trailed off, sitting up and looking away. Barry uncovered his eyes and stared at him, eyebrow raised.

"But what?"

"I.." Lucas trailed off before huffing and shaking his head. "Never mind."

"What? Now you have to say it! I'm curious!" Barry scrambled to sit up beside his friend. "You're gonna owe me ten million yen if you don't!"

Lucas looked at Barry again with an amused smile. "It's just.. a lot, I guess," he admitted. "I wanted to try something, but I wouldn't want to if if wasn't something you'd be comfortable with."

Barry was still curious, Lucas' wording sounding strange. "I mean.. what is it?" he pressed.

Something flashed in Lucas' eyes, and he slowly reached a hand out towards Barry's face. The blonde tensed up slightly, unsure of what was going on. "Is this okay?" Lucas asked gently, and slowly but surely, Barry felt himself nod.

Lucas placed a hand against Barry's cheek. It was warm and the skin was soft with a calloused heel and fingertips. It felt familiar, from all the times Barry had held onto it when dragging Lucas from one place to another, and it was pleasantly warm. Barry leaned against it a little and asked, "What's this for?" softly.

Lucas gazed at Barry for what felt like an eternity before hesitating. "I guess, ah, it's something I've wanted to do for a while," he replied, leaning in. "I hope you're okay with this too.."

"Yeah, it's fine I guess," Barry answered, meaning what he said. His thoughts fell abruptly silent when Lucas leaned in further- to a point where their noses were practically touching. Barry looked down and then up, Lucas' dark eyes barely an inch away from his own. Immediately, he felt as if he were on fire again.

"Is this..-"

"You don't have to keep asking," Barry interrupted, feeling antsy. Was this actually happening? Was this some sort of dream? Barry had dreamt of moments like these before, but to see it happen right before his eyes was shocking. Lucas was close to him, and Barry wasn't sure what he'd do with himself if the other pulled away.

"I like to make sure," Lucas replied. "I don't like.. making you feel uncomfortable or something. I just.. I really wanted to do this, and-"

"It's fine," Barry pressed, still leaning against Lucas' hand. "Really, it is."

Lucas hummed in amusement, eyes glimmering. Before Barry could say anything else, he could feel his friend press a quick, fleeting kiss on the lips. His brain short-circuited soon after.

"Maybe it's just the fact that I'm isolated somewhere with you," Lucas mumbled against Barry's mouth. "But really, it's my crush on you talking." Barry's breath hitched when Lucas pressed another light, peppery kiss against his lips. The hum in Lucas' throat reverberated in Barry's chest, it and the heat building up in his face leaving him feeling dizzy.

"You're so cute," Lucas mumbled more, "but I don't want to push you. I'll leave you alone if you.."

Lucas didn't get much else out, not with Barry swiftly pulling him into another kiss. No no, he didn't want this to stop. Barry had spent his entire life in the fast lane- never stopping or slowing down for anything or anyone. This? He wanted this, both quick and at a Shellos' pace. Lucas' pleased, muffled moan stirred Barry up, and the hands wrapped around his back felt like firebrand heat.

It was freezing outside, but everything felt hot. His skin thrummed with warmth, and he wanted more.

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