Part 1

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Rosa always thought that The End meant The End

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Rosa always thought that The End meant The End. When someone dies they're dead. That's how it works. That's how it's always worked.

At least that's what she thought. But death isn't the end. Rosa died and she's still here. So did her sister and her best friend and the guy she loves.

Rosa watched as Elijah entered the room filled with witches. They were talking about some witch being unable to control Klaus.

She didn't start paying attention until she felt a prick in her skin. "Ow." She muttered looking down at the circle of blood in the palm of her hand.

Everyone stared at her and she looked up to see Sophie holding a needle and a doll.

"What did you do to me?" She asked clearly annoyed.

Sophie turned to Elijah, "The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed? It didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Rosa. So anything that happens to me, happens to her, which means her life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Rosa—or worse— to ensure that I have your attention, I will."

Rosa sighed as Elijah spoke. "You dare threaten an Original?"

Sophie smirked, "I have nothing to lose." The grin on Elijah's face faded. "You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind."

Elijah walks up behind Klaus who was drinking from the bottle in his hand. "Have I not made clear my desire to be left alone?" He said irritated.

"Oh, you demand to be left alone at least once a decade. Your words have ceased to have impact."

Klaus suddenly smashed the bottle against the wall. "Why must you keep harping on about the baby? That child will never be born. In fact, Rosalina is probably dead already." He shouted.

Elijah sighed, "If I remember correctly it was just a few days ago that you were massively in love with Rosalina. Now you don't care that her life is in danger?" Elijah vamp sped over to Klaus, grabbing his neck and pushing him against the wall. "You will not walk away from this!"

Klaus quickly became angry, "Let. Me. Go."

"I will not!" Elijah shouted. "That girl is the one thing that has made you happy. That has made you the closest you've ever been to being good. That girl and that baby will be the best thing for you!"

Elijah threw Klaus down to the floor before picking him up again. "Don't make me say it again." Klaus heaved.

"I will not let go. I will never let go."

Klaus then grabbed Elijah and hurled him against the rod fence. Elijah quickly stood up and grabbed one of the rods and walks toward Klaus.

"Even if I have to spend eternity saving you from your own stubborn, petulant, vile self..." Elijah vamp speeds up to Klaus and hits him with the rod. "If I have to beat you as father used to beat you, to remind you of your own humanity to care about anything..."

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