4 - Camping and Memories

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They find Dave in a shack in the wild but it is so late by the time that they do that they have to find a place to camp that night in the wilds. They have decided to stay the night in their tent, Ignis will cook something up, and then tomorrow they'll go after the Bloodhorn before heading back to Hammerhead with their new cash from taking down the creature. Dave told them about the dualhorn, the great beastie plaguing the outskirts of Hammerhead and of course, Gladio and Prompto want to try their hand at the bounty. They'd been successful dealing with a slew of sabertusks yesterday before finding Dave and are feeling pretty cocky about it.

Ignis strategically avoids pointing out that Chrys did most of the hard work by climbing up an old windmill and shooting the beasts down. She's been quiet, maybe tired since they've been fighting and running all day in the wilds. When he asks if she's tired, she shakes her head. Her eyes are wandering to the stars above, distant, as if she's not thinking about the present. As the boys struggle to set up the tent, she helps him get a fire going with sure movements so he can cook. He watches with interest as she piles twigs and brush, nurses the flames from a flicker into being and then piles the wood carefully so they have a nice firepit to sit around and over which he can cook tonight. He's noticed she has some outdoor survival skills but doesn't ask, knowing a little of how she first came to Insomnia and not wanting to pry into her personal memories.

Chrys is silent around the fire that night as Iggy cooks and Gladio, Noctis and Prompto chat. Her face and her hands are the only parts of her that stand out in the firelight. With her dark hair and long coat she blends into the night around her. Occasionally when she turns her head, Ignis will catch the gleaming sparkle of one of her hair bands in the light, but other than that, she is a quiet shadow on the edge of the circle.

Chrys is never one for long conversations around the fire anyways and Ignis feels a bit guilty that the guys sometimes exclude her a bit unintentionally. She joins in occasionally, but never as the focus of conversation. She is too reserved to start in on a topic and whenever the guys talk about friends from the past, she shutters up. There are things she remembers when the guys talk about their past and whatever it is she remembers, it isn't something she wants to share.

Ignis is torn between trying to include her more in their nightly dinners or to give her the space she needs. Despite outward appearances, she still isn't completely comfortable with any of the Kingsguard, always deferential to their established norms. She is formal and respectful with Noctis always. She deals with Gladio and Prompto's joking and prodding with good-natured sarcasm that always deflects. Unfortunately, she seems slightly.... Scared of him? Maybe not scared, but Chrys keeps the furthest distance between herself and Ignis. Oh, she is always respectful and listens to him in a way none of the guys do, but she never wants to disappoint him. Iggy is surprised to realize it makes him uncomfortable. He wants her to be an equal member of the Kingsguard, helping him make decisions, not waiting for his word before acting.

When dinner is ready, Ignis purposefully takes a seat next to Chrys. He sees her eyes flicker over him, watching, ready to react. He hands her the dish and their fingers brush against each others. She quickly pulls her hand away and her shoulder turns in, as if shielding herself from his gaze. He doesn't know what to say, which is unlike him. "Sorry," she whispers. "You always see too much."

Before he can ask what she means, Prompto plops down on her other side, scooting close enough to make her almost cringe back towards Ignis. Ignis has noticed that while she is fine with being around the boys most days, she actually doesn't let them touch her that often, even if it's just in fun or by accident.

Prompto sprawls out his legs and Chrys kicks at his ankle good-naturedly. "Man, I miss a comfortable bed," Prompto drawls, looking up. Ignis has noticed how Prompto will occasionally fake flirt with Chrys. At first she didn't like it, didn't know how to handle it, but now she just lets it slide off her. "Although the stars are nice. You normally can't see them in the Crown City."

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