Sky Log #27: How to Tame a Krill 101

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First advice of this impromptu lesson: You don't.

Just who in the world of Sky would want to do that?! Are you crazy? Have you gone to Eden too many times that your light-filled brain is broken and out-of-order?

Never try to be a Disney princess, okay?

You have no protagonist halo to protect you from those monstrous beings.

When the krills see you, they will charge you with no mercy and eat your lights. Always remember that no krill is a friendly krill.


My apologies for my outburst.

It seemed that I was having trouble dealing with the krills ever since the updates fixed some of the krill-proof tricks. More than half the times I visited Wasteland, my lights have served sumptuous meals for them. It was kind of frustrating when we didn't have a viable method to protect ourselves from them, just like how we have umbrellas to deal with the rain in Hidden Forest.

Of course, the recent potion that provided a shield against their attacks worked, but it only lasted for a minute. It would have proven itself useful if it could last for 5 minutes. In my opinion, spending Eden candles on them isn't worth it. Spending a single Eden candle is not worth it at all.

Previously, we used to have the home trick method and the shop trick method. Unfortunately, TGC rebuilt the controls and rewrote the codes, so those glitches don't work anymore. We have to use the external version of the home trick. It's a little hard to describe because it required me to break the fourth wall. If you want a demonstration, many veteran players have uploaded videos on TubeSky (not the actual name).

The experience of using the external home trick (we don't have a name for this trick) is familiar to when you are ascending in Eden. It felt like you were unconscious but aware of what was happening around you when you tried it. However, it's hard to time it correctly. If you start the trick prematurely before the krill attacks you, you may risk waking up to see it ramming into you.

Coming from experience, I can tell you it will not be a pretty sight.

Horror is when you wake up thinking danger is over when danger descends on you. It would be like waking up and expecting to smell roses, only to be smelling the choking smell of smoke and feeling the roaring heat of fire licking your face. It's when danger decides violence the moment you open your eyes.

Well, if you lose too many lights and dread having to find them again, the other option would be to go to Eden. That is when you can reset things and get all your winged bois back.

Apart from the external home trick, there is an instrument trick. This trick also comes with its conditions. Hearing from experts who have done this trick, any instrument will do so long as it makes you sit down when you take it out. I have never tried this trick because I always need the fire stick (a recent prop from Season of Assembly) when burning big plants. I am not entirely sure if this trick still works now when the updates have been trying to patch up the glitches that we have been using to get by in Sky.

I'm still a little bummed out when TGC decided to patch up the gate glitch at the temple of Golden Wasteland. It was, by far, one of my favourite glitches because it makes it seem like you can phase through the gate. Fortunately, TGC made the cutscene at the gate skippable, so we don't have to deal with the three krills that miraculously pop out whenever you open the gate.

These krills always seemed like they were out to get us. Yet, we don't know why they are so hostile to us.

At least with the crabs, we know why they are so hostile. From the Season of Enchantment, in the cave where the crab walker spirit lives, the drawings told us that due to the mistake or the greed of the spirits from drawing up too much water, their actions angered the crabs that it made them hostile to any living being on two legs. It seemed logical when a precious water source was being used up indiscriminately. However, several lore theorists and scholars still believed there must be more behind the crabs' hostility than just a petty grudge over resources.

I might have digressed a little, but there is no known way to tame the krills until this date, despite some exceptions.

The Little Prince was an exception because I saw him communicating with a krill before he traveled against the harsh winds to Eden on my last meeting with him. I could not follow him because the winds seemed to have a mind of their own and pushed me back. And with the krill seemingly patrolling the area where the Little Prince had passed through, I may have to go through another way. Perhaps, I would have to go through the Eden doors.

I'm a bit worried about the Little Prince.

He had frequently talked about his friend on his planet, his rose, which he had lovingly cared for. From the last few meetings with him, I could tell that he missed her and was anxious to get back to her. Perhaps... he believed that going to Eden would help him get to her? Have such a method worked before? It's hard to know until my next meeting with him.

Putting that issue aside, there may be attempts to tame them, but none have succeeded so far.

Often, you would get reports of children playing seek-and-warp with them or news of daredevils trying to ride on the spiky heads of the krills. I have heard that someone managed to get the krills to wear cute hats for Sky's anniversary, and I have seen them before. I do not recommend it, but it is a job well done because the party hats brought their scariness down a few notches. It still doesn't stop them krills from harming us, though.

Some krill enthusiasts claimed that we looked at the krills' actions from the wrong perspective. Perhaps the krills were feeling lonely, so every time they see a child, they could not help but pounce on them like how pets would see their owners. In my opinion, it's a weird viewpoint to look at, but who am I to judge?

Hopefully in the future, the potion krill shield will last longer. Maybe we might get more anti-krill objects to protect us during our candle runs. I'm looking forward to such a future. Maybe, just maybe, we may finally get to ride a krill. 

A/N: 25 Dec 2021

Some days, I swear krills decided to choose extreme violence because they love to chew on me. Like I have never been popular among the boys but boy, do these krills like to come at me in groups of three. They must have known that I was secretly wishing for something but not like this. Not like this, my krills.  

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