Sky Log #18: Season Ratings

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After the ratings for pants and the realms, it is finally time to do some rating for the past seasons in Sky.

Up to this moment, a total of nine seasons have come and go in Sky but with more coming in the future. So, it is possible that I could doing another entry for the future ones. I'll be commenting on ones that have passed, what happened during the season and how I feel about the season overall.

Season of Gratitude (July 19,2019)

I think I remember participating in this season. I started off as a moth in the middle of this season.

Unfortunately, I didn't know there was such a thing as a season and definitely didn't know that it would go away after a period of time. I collected their emotes along the way while I was exploring Sky. However, I didn't get anything from the season spirits because I don't know anything about seasons and cosmetics. Those were definitely not a priority in my to-do list.

I just do my regular moth thing: exploring the realms in Sky, being wowed by the amazing landscapes and meeting players. And figuring out the story in Sky.

I also remembered that I was being very busy at that time so I couldn't play often. And then, it came a time for me to enter into slumber mode.

Season of Lightseekers (September 23, 2019)

Still snoozing away.

Season of Belonging (November 18, 2019)


Season of Rhythm (January 24, 2020)

Huh? What's that? Oh, I'm still sleeping. Snore....

Actually, I awoke for a while to see the whole place at Home encased in snow. However, I was in late moth period so I didn't see the value in participating in the season. Only got some of the emotes. I think I got a cosmetic...? An eagle mask from the Troupe Greeter before the season ended.

Now, that I think about it... The past seasons that I missed were like hibernation periods for me because I occasionally enter Sky to play for a bit before leaving. I wasn't farming though, just exploring the nooks and cranny of the places.

Season of Enchantment (April 20, 2020)

Okay, this season is quite memorable.

This was my first actual season that I fully participated in and completed. I basically was into it from start to end. Of course, if it was me alone, I might be playing on and off.

Before this season started, I met my Sky family in March. Then, we hang around together everyday from reset. It was a happier time for us since everyone was here. We went on oobs, on candle farming and all sorts of stuff.

For this season, we went to get mushies (cute nickname for mushrooms). It was a thing during the early season until tgc removed it. That was because when you harvest these mushies, you get one full candle. And there were four in total; two in the air and two under the ground.

We would just get the whole family together just to get them.

The ones under the ground required a bit of oob skills such as getting under the sand, flying to the mushies without getting teleported out and putting the table under them just so you can stand and grab them.

Let me tell you, you have to be really great at placing the table or you get them anywhere but near the mushies.

I remembered getting really fed up because I just got my table and I couldn't place them at the right place. Placing them is one thing, but standing on the table is another. Remember? You are flying so you have to get yourself to a platform to grab the mushies. And the tables at that time were solid, anyone can stand on them without having to sit and solidify them.

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