Chapter 46

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It's the next day and I get dressed (media) before heading downstairs for breakfast "you are oddly cheerful this morning" Spencer observes as I sit down at the breakfast bar

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It's the next day and I get dressed (media) before heading downstairs for breakfast "you are oddly cheerful this morning" Spencer observes as I sit down at the breakfast bar. I lean my elbows on the counter and grab an orange "I'm always happy around family" I slowly look behind me at everyone else in the living room "it's not like I have a choice anyway" Spencer sighs and comes round the sit on a stool next to me "you don't have to pretend to be happy Andy, we'll accept you no matter what you feel" I laugh and look down at my hands "you don't know what family you are marrying into then" I mutter and place an orange slice in my mouth.

"Andy come over here" Ronnie waves me over, she has Ava sitting on her lap, playing with a toy, the others are circled around "what are you looking at?" I ask making my way over, orange clutched in my hand. I come round the edge of the sofa and see a photo album on mums lap "oh mama No let's not to old photos now" I say sitting down next to Bella. Mama clicks her tongue disapprovingly and flicks over a page "you were a beautiful child Andromeda" she muses "what happened?" I choke on my orange and the others laugh "I got too much like my mum" I retort poking my tongue out.


Just as it turns midday, Ronnie leaves her daughter with mama and dad while we go and pick up our bridesmaids dresses "I promise you'll love them" Arabella insists and Ronnie and I share a doubtful look. My younger sister has always had a strange sense of style, we stopped letting her pick out our clothes when we were old enough to come to our senses.

Town is busier then I expected and it takes us a while to find a parking space. We climb out Bella's car and follow her along the street to a bridal store. Ronnie and I look at each other, acknowledging the fact that this shop seems normal, but as usual we are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Arabella goes over and hugs the store clerk currently working "you're dresses are just outback let me get them for you" he says and disappears through a door "what colour did you go for in the end?" I ask putting my hands in my pockets, I walk around the store admiring the beautiful dresses on the racks.

"Turquoise" she answers, admiring her newly manicured nails, I raise my brows but neither I nor Veronica decide to argue. When the clerk finally comes back out he hands us each our dress and we head to the changing rooms. When I put it on I gasp at how beautiful it is and I lightly trail my hands up and along my mid drift which is showing slightly. It's beautiful.

Just then I hear clapping on the other side of the curtain "come on" my younger sister squeals "I want to see them on you" with a great big sigh I open the curtain and step out at the same time Ronnie does. Bella looks like she is about to cry and she waves her hands in front of her face in an effort not to "alright stand together I want to send a picture to mama" and we do stand closer together.

"This isn't as bad as I thought" I hear my older sister whisper and I smile "I know it's actually decent for her" I whisper back and I feel her silently chuckle. After getting changed again I ask Bella to send the photo to me and she goes and pays for them.

As we pile the dresses into the car Veronica asks if we want to go and get some food on the way home. Arabella and I instantly agree but before I can step foot in the car, a crash happens further down the street and my attention is torn away. It looks pretty bad "Andy?" I hear Bella say and I lean agains the open car window "I'll be back" I say rushing towards the accident.

As I get there I slide to a halt, it's a four car pile up, I can hear someone screaming "someone call 911" I order and a woman standing on the sidewalk watching does. I then bend down to one of the car levels and say "hey it's alright I'm a doctor I can help" at the same time as someone else. I stand up straight at the sound of it and look over at a man standing by one of the other cars, he stands up too and looks towards me "Alex?" I ask my eyes going wide "hey baby" he says giving me a small wave before turning back to the car. Only one question is currently ringing in my mind, what the hell is he doing here?


I don't even have time to think before I am in the back of an ambulance doing compressions on a five year old boy. He had curly brown hair that falls slightly into his eyes and has a cut on his forehead leading down to his eye, he will be lucky if he can see out of that when the day is done.

We reach the hospital and as soon as the doors open I start to speak "boy, 5, laceration to the head and went into cardiac arrest in the field. I think there might be piece of glass lodged in his spine as well, we should check for any in his chest and lungs, might explain the cardiac arrest" we are rushed into the hospital and straight into a trauma room. For a second I forget that I'm not in Seattle and I am about to shout for Owen before remembering myself. I slowly climb off of the table and let the hospital staff work.

Slowly I slip from the room and let out a shaky breath "Andy" I hear my name being called and I look up, Alex is coming out of another trauma room. I push off of the wall and make my way over to him "what are you doing here Alex?" I ask folding my arms, ignoring the blood staining my hands and clothes, mirroring Alex.

"I came to see you" he says looking me up and down "I came to say I'm sorry for overreacting. I wanted to push you away when things got tough and that was unfair. I came to say I'm sorry" he looks me in the eyes and my gaze melts. I was ready to be angry at him again for ignoring me and making me come here alone but what I see that gorgeous face of his I fold. I reach up on my toes, cup his face with my hand, neither of us bothering the fact that I am smearing blood on his face as I lean in and kiss him gently on the lips "don't leave me alone again" I whisper against him and he holds me close "never again" he whispers back and our lips connect.


Ronnie picks us up and takes us home "there's our little hero" dad cheers as Alex and I step through the door "Alex? This is a surprise we thought you weren't coming" he stands up and clasps my boyfriend on the back. Alex smiles a flashy smile and grabs my hand "I thought I would catch a late flight surprise Andy" I see my mama's face light up as she exists the kitchen.

Before he can be harassed anymore I drag Alex towards the stairs "we need to get washed and clean" I insist as my sisters start to protest. I drag him up the stairs, my skin on fire where touch.

We manage to control ourselves enough to have a shower but as soon as I come into my room with a towel wrapped around my naked body, Alex is sitting on my bed, flicking through his phone. I climb onto the bed and snatch his phone away, "hey I was just-" he starts but I break him off by kissing him deeply. I let his phone slip from my hand and as I pull up I say "just shut up" and he flips us over.

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now