And it would be known.

Her being his, that was.

After breakfast, Louelle was quick to exit the dining room without another glance at the prince. His frown deepened. When he'd see her later that night, he would be sure to get an answer of the unspoken hostility between the sisters.

He dropped his cloth napkin onto his emptied plate and moved his chair back to stand. But Maryann stopped him by placing a hand on his forearm.

"May I please steal you away, Thatcher?" she asked when he glanced at her expectantly.

The prince so badly wished to deny her, that no, she was unable to steal him away. However, he was aware of the king's presence and did not wish to upset him. Additionally, as he decided, Maryann was not worth the sacrifice of the king's consequences.

He forcefully smiled in a polite manner. "It would be my pleasure, Lady Maryann."

Although she was capable of doing so herself, he assisted her with getting her out of her seat, on behalf of the eyes of the king set on them. He did not dare disrespect a lady in the presence of King James and King James' fellow men. With Maryann's arms linked in his, they exited the dining room. While passing the king, the prince nodded curtly in his adieu. In return, the king smirked and winked suggestively.

He felt a wave of nausea overcome him. What was the meaning of that gesture? Was Maryann once again whisking him away as part of another plan conspired against him? What would she speak about this time? He'd spent more time with her throughout the day so as to not raise any suspicions, and he'd kept away from his Louelle for the very same reason. He was under the assumption he was doing everything right.

Hadn't he?

Without a word exchanged, the two walked to the Clemens' apartment and his heartbeat quickened the closer they arrived. What were they doing at the Clemens' apartment? He expected a comfortable walk through the gardens as the two had done every day. Maryann claimed she wished to enjoy the sun as much as possible before colder weather arrived. The prince never argued, but his stomach still had twisted with guilt whenever they entered, having memories with Louelle replay of the two playing and growing throughout the years.

"Lady Maryann," he finally spoke after finding his voice. "I believe this is where we stop."

As they slowed until they were standing still, she gazed at him with a pained expression.

Quickly, he rebounded. He stepped in front of her and held her hands as a means to comfort her. They did not feel the same as Louelle's. Maryann's hands were too warm and her grip had been too tight. They didn't fit in his like Louelle's did.

He briefly closed his eyes to dismiss the thought. Of course, the hands of Maryann would not feel the same as his Louelle's. The prince's entire relationship with the older sister was pretend - on his side of things, that was. After the castle had long been asleep, he would have the pleasure of being in the real thing with the youngest - his Louelle.

"It is not that I do not wish to enter your quarters with you Maryann -" He didn't. He really didn't - "However, it is unruly to do so. I do not wish to anger your parents or mine in the case we were found out."

Maryann was silent for a few moments while she contemplated what he'd said. She peeled her eyes away from him and down to their conjoined hands. He noted the look of disdain was still etched onto her face. It was difficult for him to read her.

Perhaps she had pulled the prince away due to the tension between the two sisters and wished to speak to him on it. He wondered if there had been an argument related to him, though he did not want to sound vain. It could have very well been a normal sisterly fight regarding a missing dress or a shoe. He figured it was what the sisters would argue for, anyhow. He'd heard plenty of Louelle's complaints regarding Maryann taking Louelle's things and claiming them as her own.

Inside Darling (Darling #1) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now