Special Chapter: Young Justice Live Show

Start from the beginning

Wally:  well, beautiful *holding Hikari46's hand* your my favori-


Wally: really!? *glaring at Artemis*

Artemis: *rolling her eyes* Hikari46 is asking who will be our favorite one of the Justice League members baywatch

Kaldur: I agree


Artemis and Wally: *blushed and look away*

Hikari46: to be continued! Kaldur who is your favorite Justice League members?

Kaldur: that would be Aquaman, he is the one who train me and meet everyone

Conner: that would be Superman

M'gann: that would be Martian Man Hunter A.K.A my uncle J'onn *smiles*

Artemis: Green Arrow

Wally: that would be Flash *winking at the audience*

the girls squealed as Kuroyukihime and Artemis sigh

Hikari46: wow just wow, the major of having a lots of fans will be Wally instead of Luka *sigh* next question coming from me. who is your favorite love team couple?

Kirito: that would be, Luka and Richard. they were cute and can be lovely dovey sometimes

Kuroyukihime: mine is Wally and Artemis. I mean both of them the way they argue are acting like old married couple

Hikari46: aww! I agree with her

Luka: same with Kuroyukihime answer.. they are cute couple

Dick: same with Luka answers *kiss on Luka's cheek*


Hikari46: having a P.D.A makes the girls screamed

Wally: we are not couple!

Hikari46: yet! sorry, Wallykins your not my type besides I fall in love to Iori Asahina from Brothers Conflict

Kuroyukihime: Wallykins? *smiles evilly* I'll call you that from now on

Luka: he still act mature despite the fact he's older than me *sigh*

Hikari46: live while were young! Kaldur I have a question just for you!

Kaldur: what kind of question?

Hikari46: is being a leader hard?

Kaldur: yes but, with my friends. we can overcome the mission *smiles*

Wally: hey, Hikari46 are you a thief?

Hikari46: why?

Wally: cause you steal my heart *winking at Hikari46*

Luka: Wally are you like that?

Wally: why?

Luka: cause your an annoying person and keep on flirting to Hikari46 *glare*

Hikari46: burn! anyway Luka, as Kathleen Kent. how does it feels like that you are the daughter of Superman?

Luka: being as Kathleen is fine, Superman can be over protective to her and ever since he found out that Kathleen and Richard are dating. Superman accept their relationship and after all, Kathleen is daddy's little girl *chuckled*

Hikari46: I agree with you *nod* the father could be over protective with their daughter or son

Kuroyukihime: that's true, are you enjoying us? *smile the audience*

the audience cheered

Hikari46: okay! next question is from keanahuynh11.. so Luka keakeanahuynh11 asked a question how old are you, from this story?

Luka: from the Young Justice ever since Kathleen met Kaldur, Richard and Wally.. she was 11 years old and a half.. then during the Reds incident she was turning 12 years old

Kirito: in real life as one of the Vocaloids she's like in 20's

Kuroyukihime: but in the story, she's one year younger than Dick

Hikari46: there you have it folks! for the interview! thank you for giving us time to talk with you guys

Kaldur: your welcome Hikari46

Wally: ohh, man! I thought that the girls will asked me a question *sulk*

Kuroyukihime: because they don't want you to ask question

Wally: meanie *sulk*

Hikari46: *sweat dropped* anyway, let's wait for the next chapter! *wink*


I'm sorry for not updating this because the internet was lost and I just update this today and please wait for the next chapter of Young Justice!

Hikari46 is out

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