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I Love You ~

Two Days Later
Quebec City, Canada ||
Winter Night

Shivaay walked down the snow-filled pedestrian path. That winter wind with its toothy bite didn't excited him as usual. Instead of the snowflakes, he was seeing his breath exhale as vapour. 

When he was a child, it scared him how he can't be outside without an adult's supervision. When he was a teen, it scared him how his whole life depends on how well he's going to do as a teenager. When he was an actor, it scared him how society wants him to be flawless.

Now, it's just a new fear. When he's in love with her, how much her absence is affecting his entire living.

He shook his head and tried to distract himself. He entered his house and removed the scarf around his neck. He plonked on the sofa and pulled out his ringing phone.

"Hello. Vincent. What—-you're waiting outside ? What are you even saying ?" Shivaay quickly opened the door. He saw Vincent leaning over his car and waving at him.

"Come inside, Vincent"

"Thank you, Sir. But, I've to leave somewhere. I know you asked me to stop everything. I'm sorry for disobedience" He apologised extending a cover to Shivaay.

"There are twenty-four pictures. The girls who had Ash on their camera. I'll take your leave now. Good night, Sir"

"Night night" Shivaay wished smilingly and went inside his house. He placed the cover on the glass table.

"I don't want to see. I don't" He blinked rapidly to avoid the tears rolling out. He ran to his bedroom in the upstairs and locked the door behind.

He frowned when the calling bell rang without a pause. "Who is playing with the calling bell now ?" He sighed tired and went downstairs again.

He opened the door to see no one. He harshly slammed the door closed.

"Huh! I'm so done!" He whispered to himself when the calling bell rang yet again.

"Who is that ? Listen kid! If you're so interested, go and play keys. Don't play with the calling bell again! I warn you kid!"

"Will you ever stop shouting ?"

"My—-heh! Annika ?" He hurriedly stepped forward. He looked hither tither. His respiratory system to refused to function right when his eyes caught the sight of her.

She stood in front of him. In an oversized emerald coloured hoodie. A cloth mask. Free hair. Her eyes twinkling like a steady flame. She walked towards him and stood some inches away from him.

He could see each sculpted flake before before her with eyes at restless. Icy wind making it difficult for them maintain a steady eye contact. Wintry trees, sans leaves poised to show its brown glory. And, the woman who placed a canvas for his dream.

"We should get inside"

He denied shaking his head.

"Don't be a kid. Come" She pulled him inside and closed the door behind.

His right hand raised before her face. His fingers slowly pulled down the face mask whilst his eyes let the gathered tears down.

"You came to me. Finally" he whispered. He sobbed as if it could bleed an ocean through the eyes.

Meeting You || ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon