Jennie reloaded the gun by turning the hammer down, "Avoid being jumpy, Manoban. You'll hurt yourself." she said the words that Lisa said the day she was shot in her shoulder, "Enjoy the show,"

In a blink of an eye, the brunette fired at Lisa's thigh with a loud bang, a smoke coming out of the gun's mouth. Lisa screamed in pain, gripping the wound with blood flowing out of it endlessly. She sat on the floor, breathing and sweating hard, trying to surpass the stinging pain in her flesh.

Jennie throws the gun on the bed and crosses her arms, "Aren't you going to say something?" she rolls her eyes.

The latter catches her breath, her chest moving up and down abruptly. "Fucking hell..." she applied more pressure on the wound.

"Don't make me wai-"

"Jung Jae...that bastard." she chuckled, "I did tortured him, I beat him up, didn't let him eat for days. He looked so miserable, you should've seen his face. He couldn't open his eyes, he lost a lot of teeth and also his pinky," Lisa mockingly says and wiggles her own finger full of blood with a small laugh.

Jennie couldn't help but feel offended as she makes her father a laughing stock after killing him. This bitch really is a fucking monster.

"I took him in the warehouse, that's where I did it. Don't worry, it was just me, I didn't ask for anyone's help." she said and sighs, "The things I did to him were some of the things I did to you."

Jennie clenched her fists, "How are you so fucking proud and smiling like a total maniac?"

"Do you wanna know why I did such thing, Jennie? Why I planned to kill him, make him suffer?"

She didn't answer.

"Because your father killed my dad,"


3 years ago.

"You have a meeting with the investors,"


"5 minutes,"

"I can never enjoy my coffee in peace, huh?"


The two old men shared a laugh and Marco Manoban, who was sitting comfortably on his office chair slowly stands up and walks towards Kim Jung Jae and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"Want to have a drink later?" Marco asked his right hand in command with a spark in his eyes, the word 'drink' works like a magic.

Jung Jae shrugged, "Beer?"

"Rice wine,"

"Count me in,"

The two of them has been working together for years, despite being co-workers, they had a special friendship outside their job. They're basically brothers that people tends to mistaken them as one. Jung Jae works as Marco's secretary, assistant and a right hand in command, the one who becomes in charge when Marco was not around or he was told to.

They left the office together, with Jung Jae following his boss behind and attended the meeting that lasted for a few hours. Once finished, they left the building using Marco's car to head over to the place where they usually get drinks.

After several shots, Jung Jae suggested that they should go home as Marco was so close to passing out and he still has to attend an early conference tomorrow. He shakes him and hooks his arm over his shoulder. Jung Jae paid the old lady before stepping out and to his luck, it just started raining.

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