PK Fire!

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Y/N: do you think she knows?
Slenda: knows what?
Y/N: about the murder of The Rake?

Slenda sighs.

Slenda: she definitely does. She can sense the souls of her cult members and her followers. The moment they die, she would know.
Y/N: and I assume that I'm now a target for her.
Slenda: yes, you are.

Slenda stands up in all of her 9"11 glory. She then places a hand on your shoulder. Despite not having a face, you can see the worry on her.

Slenda: please... be careful whenever you leave the mansion Y/N. Her influence is across the entire world.

Meanwhile in fuck knows where.

Nina: I'm about to make Jack the Killer look like a kid who likes Playdoh.
Zalga: yeah cool, I don't give a shit. Murder a child or twenty. I'm really fucking hungover right now and I've got a killer headache. I didn't know someone spiked the eggnog. But when I find out who... I'll gut them.
Nina: mistress, whenever we inform you that we're going out to commit a felony or two. You always say kill a child. Why is that?

Zalga frowns and growls with all five of her mouths like the Lovecraftian Eldritch demon she is.

Zalga: Nina sweetly darling honey gravy pie.
Nina: odd compliment.
Nina: yes ma'am.

Zalga smiles and clasps her hands together.

Zalga: the reason why I say 'kill a child' is because I fucking hate children. Except Lazari, because she's my daughter.

Back with Y/N

You are currently reading the newspaper about a strange body in the woods.

Y/N: huh, I wonder who that could be.

You put the newspaper down and then sit down. You then hear a muffled scream from three rooms to the left. You get up and start running towards the location of the scream. You smash open the door to the kitchen on fire while Jess and Jane running around like headless chickens.

Y/N: oh my non existent god... Slenda! Do we have a fire extinguisher!?
Slenda (telepathically): no... why?
Y/N: because l like the taste of foam... there's a fire in the kitchen for fucks sake!

Slenda appears from thin air.

Slenda: get Jess and Jane out of here. I'll handle the flames.
Y/N: yeah sure.

Slenda disperses the smoke with a wave of her hand and runs in the kitchen while you grab Jess and Janes with telekinesis. You move your hand which causes the pale duo to move. You set them on the ground and look at them with a concerned and stern/angry gaze.

Y/N: I am going to ask questions and I want you to answer them both truthfully and quickly. understood?

Jess and Jane gulp and nod their heads so fast that they might get whiplashed.

Y/N: question numero uno: what were you doing in the kitchen?

Jane looks at Jess and then back to you.

Jane: we wanted to make dinner for everyone and accidentally set the kitchen on fire.

You nod your head and clear your throat.

Y/N: alright... question two: what went wrong?

Jess: I lost my balance and spilt cooking oil everywhere. It landed on some of the fire and went downhill from there.
Y/N: question three: are you both okay?
Jess and Jane: yes, we're fine.

You sigh in relief knowing that Jess and Jane are okay. Slenda walks out of the kitchen covered in soot and burn wounds and all three of you sense an aura of anger.

Slenda: Y/N, two things... one: thank you for alerting to the the fire, taking action and getting Jess and Jane out of the kitchen. Two: don't speak to me sarcastically again unless you want to loose an eye. Also... Jess, Jane.
Jess: yes?

Slenda glares at Jess and Jane.

Slenda: you're banned from the kitchen from a month... I do not want a repeat of this. Now go to your rooms before your  punishment gets more severe.
Y/N: they're not children Slenda.

Slenda turns her head to you.

Slenda: compared to me they are. They're 21 while I'm in my thousands.

You notice the burn wounds on Slenda.

Y/N: you're hurt... do you want me to help with that?
Slenda: I don't think you can...

Before Slenda can finish her sentence, you summon a dozen green bones. Slenda takes a step back.

Slenda: Y/N don't you dare attack me.
Y/N: Slenda, please relax.

6 tendrils appear from Slenda's back, they all point at you. You launch the bones at her as her tendrils launch at you. When the bones hit her and disappear, the tendrils freeze in place.

Slenda: what did you do!?
Y/N: I healed you.

Slenda looks at you in bewilderment.

Slenda: since when could you do that and how?
Y/N: the when: since 10 years ago. The how: I can summon bones in four different colours. If they're white move out of the way. If they're blue... stand completely still. If they're orange, do the opposite of blue and if they're green, they heal you.

Slenda hugs you and kisses your cheek.

Slenda: thank you Y/N, I apologise for attacking you.
Y/N: it's fine. You're welcome by the way.

A/N: fucks sake. It's bloody time I got this one done.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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