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The continuation to 'I miss you, Rosa.'

The pitter-pattering of the rain fills the silence in the coldness of the hospital room. Luke stares at the window, betting on a droplet to reach the window sill first. The clock on the wall keeps ticking.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

The time is near. He can feel it. He wonders if he's done enough. He wonders if she will be fine, if she will be happy.

No, she will be fine. There will be happiness even without him. There was happiness before and after him. So there has to be happiness without him.

She's got the company of her family and friends. She will still be the same Rosa, with or without Luke Pearce. She just hasn't met the new her yet.

And the clock continues to tick.

Luke stares silently at the clock.

Tick tick. Tick tick.

Grains of sand counting down.

He knows that there will be happiness for her without Luke Pearce. He wants there to be. Wasn't that the point of him leaving Stellis? But, he also hopes she remembers that there was happiness because of him too.

Their happiness when he was still healthy. He remembers the days where they laughed together, cried together, and admitted their fears together. The promises they made between each other. He remembers when they would wake at the early hours of the morning, and waited for the sunrise. He remembers how beautiful it was when the sun broke over the horizon. A glorious sunrise dappled them in light. He misses her.

Luke continues to stare at the space in front of him, reminiscing about the happiness they felt together. He can't do anything to make it go away. It won't slow down the hands of time.


You've been the sunshine in my darkest days, and you were the only reason I could keep a smile on my face even when I was on the verge of breaking down. You don't know how hard it was for me to not tell you what was wrong with me, but I didn't want you to feel sad because of me.

Thank you so much for staying even when I told you to leave. Thank you so much for being there for me when I was down. Thank you so much for bearing with me this whole time.

Rosa, you have been.. the best friend to me, but also the person I love most. Words cannot express how great of a person you are.

Thank you for seeing the goods in me, for being my Watson, my partner-in-crime, and most of all thank you for... loving me.

Sorry, Rosa. I hope.. you can forgive me.

The darkness was nearing.

An hourglass running out of sand.

A clock hand nearing its final hour.

A tear ran down his face.

Luke's tired.

Tired of fighting.

LimerenceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora