He shrugs. "Your kind likely knows better than I. The word was that one of them may have defected or something and, as punishment, all of them got put down."

I frown at the window, not looking at the view but at the dark reflection of myself in it. Shadows shroud me, and I wish they were thick enough to envelop me in the darkness. To take me away from this place. Even if the place they take me is a dark void, anything would be better than where I am now.

"Why are you here and not at the party with the others?" I ask, earning Alexander's full attention.

He raises his eyebrows to nearly his hairline. "Wow, a personal question? That is unexpected." A ghost of a smile softens his features.

He is right. What do I care? I shrug because I don't know what else to say.

"You taking a liking to me, Emma?" His smile widens.

"Not a chance," I state flatly.

He laughs, and something about it seems contagious to where a sliver of the heaviness in my chest lightens. "I don't love being around all the high society kinds for extended times. Plus, I figured you would prefer this to that room anyway."

Alexander is correct that I do not wish to be in that stifling space filled to the brim with his kind. Even with the balcony doors open, it is hard to breathe in there, like the fairies are greedy leeches that suck it from the space. Also, I don't particularly appreciate that my guard seems to observe enough to realize this about me. "Don't presume to know anything about me."

"Am I wrong?" He lifts a single eyebrow.

I ask something of my own without responding to him. "Why are you answering my questions, anyway?"

He shrugs, tilting his head. "Why wouldn't I? It's not like it matters if you know any of these things."

"Right." I look at the ground. "Because I am collard." Of course, when monsters own me, why would they fear letting me know anything?

"No. Because it really doesn't matter whether you or anyone else knows what a dragon or blood witch is. That knowledge affects nothing."

I nod, glancing out the window while he stares at me.

"You know, we have a way of life here, a set of rules we follow. It is not my choice to collar anyone," Alexander says.

Is this an excuse? Does it make him sleep better by telling himself this? "You expect me to think you're innocent because you silently disagree?"

He snorts. "No one in this world is innocent."

Here, I suppose we agree. People nor supernaturals grow up innocent. That little bit of warmth is taken, replaced by the bitter truth of how the world works. Life is controlled by things like fairies who lie, cheat, steal, and above all else, manipulate to get what they want. "I suppose so."

Alexander gives me his full attention once more. He turns to me and leans a thick shoulder against the windowed wall. How much pressure does this much muscle put on the glass? I can imagine it shattering and him falling. My stomach drops at the thought. I wouldn't say I like heights.

"Can you not lean against that?" I state, taking a small step back.

A playful smile graces his face. "Wow, concerned about my safety?"

Hardly. "Concerned for my own. What if you flail your arms in falling, grabbing me and taking me with you?"

He laughs, "Do I strike you as an arm flailing type?"

Honestly, I can't imagine it. However, I don't tell him that. Instead, I reply, "Yes."

My response causes him to laugh harder. "You know, even angry, you are a pretty little witch." He says.

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