Chapter 6

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Misty Pov ( she's telling tyde the story)

--flash back--

6 year old Misty / Maddy 13

*on the phone*


Mom: okay honey we will

Misty's sister / Maddy : Come on Misty the sooner you end the call the sooner mommy and daddy can come home

Misty : oh yea bye mommy and daddy see you soon love you!

Maddy: Love you guys too be safe!

~time skip~

Mommy and Daddy have been taking so long to get home. I miss them. We were watching Barbie when the phone rang again so Maddy went to answer it. Maddy turned all white.

Misty : what's wrong?

Maddy: mom and dad got into an accident. Uncle Drew is coming to get us.

It was until a few days after I realized that my mommy and daddy passed away. I cried at first but I remembered mom told me to be strong I am a big girl. Maddy however cried everyday.

Until one day she came up to me and screamed that it's all my fault, I caused her pain and made her carry such a burden. She ran out the door and never came back then later that evening an officer came to uncle drew house and told us she killed herself.

This time I cried a lot but Felix was there to comfort me.

---flasback ends --

He was there whenever I needed him. He took me where ever he went and he is still putting up with me. That's why I kinda freaked out a bit. I never wanted to be a pain or burden to anyone again. That why I don't like when I cause people to worry or anything.

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