Platform 9 And 3/4

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for the help." Jasper said.

The older girl smiled. "No problem." She said brightly. She looked around as her younger sister was running ahead excited. "Oh gods." She said running after her. "Maryrose wait!"

Jasper watched them go wondering wasn't the 11 year old girl's hair blonde a moment ago? He shrugged, and went onto the train.


The train was beautiful, it had students young, and old milling about putting up their trunks, and finding which compartment to go in, kids talking to their friends, owls, and toads going about. It was filled with magic.

It was filled with people like him.

He walked around searching for a place to sit, dodging owls that flew overhead. He was truly amazed by everything he was seeing. It was like a dream, a dream he did not want to wake up from.

The students around him were whispering about their excitement for Hogwarts, and chatting about their summer holidays.

He walked by many compartments, and chose an empty one to sit in. He looked out the window. He was shaking with nervousness, and excitement. He was going to a magic school, a school that was going to teach him magic, he was magic, and - and it was a lot to process. It isn't everyday you're told you're a wizard.

Just then a group of older kids, already wearing their school robes came in, and sat down. They all had green, and silver ties. Jasper gave them a small wave.

One of the older kids, a young man with long blonde hair, looked at him with distaste. "What are you doing here?"

Jasper instantly felt like he was not wanted, he knew when he wasn't, he had gotten used to it, whether it be from his parents, or classmates. He got up. "I - um, sorry, I didn't know I couldn't be here, I - I am new."

One of the others rolled their eyes. "Yeah, we can see that, you're a firstie."

Jasper nodded. "Yes, you understand I am a little lost, the Wizarding World is all so new to me, and-"

The blonde man interrupted. "I'm sorry, new?" He looked at Jasper with disgust. "You're new to the Wizarding World?"

Jasper nodded, getting a bit nervous at all the looks he was getting in the compartment. "Yeah, um - it - it is just, I am..." He tried to think of the word for it, the kid from Diagon Alley had told him it. "A mugg - muggelbor-"

"You're a mudblood." One of the girls hissed.

Jasper stared up at all of them. "Is that the word?" He looked at them appreciatively. "Thank you." He smiled. "Sorry for bothering you, I will leave." He was just about to open the door, when a hand touched his shoulder. "Yes?" He turned.

"You aren't supposed to be here." One of the boys hissed.

Jasper was getting scared now. "That is why I was just leaving, uh-"

The compartment door opened, and a boy with red hair stepped in. "Really Malfoy, bullying first years?"

The man, who was apparently Malfoy, let go of Jasper. "No, we weren't Weasel - ly." He said. The others snickered. "We were just telling him he is not supposed to be in the Slytherin area."

The boy with red hair rolled his eyes, and started to tell them off, but Jasper did not have time to hear what they were saying because he ran out.

He was a bit shaken up.

I mean he didn't mean not to know things about the Wizarding World. Maybe he just needed to learn, and once he did he would be more accepted.

Jasper found an empty compartment, and sat there. He hoped that once he learned, and became a good wizard people would like him more.

Freaks: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now