Shopping Mall Trip

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Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well.

This will be a rather quick and rushed oneshot compared to other ones. This was an old idea from the 7Days Discord server. It was about Hilde in a shopping cart while Kirell carries her. It ended up not being focused on the shopping cart itself, which I apologize for. I'll try to make a drawing of it to compensate lol

So have this chapter as a bit of a breather from the last ones!

- Honestly, I'm still trying to understand why you decided to come with me.

Kirell sighs as Hilde excitedly jumps around her like an excited little dog, as they enter a shopping mall.

- Well, I just felt like you would be a little bit lonely if you went by yourself. Don't wanna leave you feeling aaaall~ alone while you go do your shopping spree. - The braided girl replied, trying to put on a convincing, but clumsy charm.

- I literally came here just to buy some soda and potato chips for tonight. - Kirell looks at Hilde dead-eyed - Why would I feel lonely buying stuff at a supermarket?

Hilde walks in front of Kirell, looking at her while strolling backwards - And what's the problem with me coming with you? Did you want to ditch me?

While Hilde aimlessly walked backwards, she accidentally bumps into a shopping cart behind her. She is caught by surprise and slips, almost falling on her back. She just did not hit the ground because Kirell ran to grab her.

- This is the reason why! - Kirell said irritated, holding Hilde in her arms - You can't stay still for 5 minutes without doing some mess!

Hilde gulped, a bit awkward - ...Well, that hurt.

Hilde properly stood up, and Kirell let her free. Then she adjusted her clothes.

- Ok, ok but listen! - Hilde rushed in - I will stay by your side! All the time! Or right behind you! That way, there won't be any problems!

Kirell still shook her head - Oh, what makes you so sure of it? Right now you weren't even 3 meters far away from me. How do you even go shopping alone?

- Well... this doesn't happen all the time, you know... - She replied embarrassedly, offended by Kirell's words.

Kirell rolled her eyes and walked past Hilde.

- Go home. I can take care of this, with no problem.

Hilde looked at her with desperate eyes. Then she sprung forward to Kirell and embraced her from the back, taking Kirell by surprise.

- I don't wanna go! I went all this way here for you! I don't want to go back alone now!

Kirell looked behind her, puzzled and slightly flustered. Hilde's clingy arms were wrapped around her waist so tightly that Kirell couldn't find a way out of it. The eyes of the public passing by was enough to make Kirell feel embarrassed and shy.

- Ok, ok! - Kirell gave in - Just let go off me! P-people are looking...

Hilde let off, aware of Kirell's wariness of public affection. She felt awkward after all that just happened.

- Sorry... I just wanna go with you...

Kirell looked at her, and then sighed. Hilde twister her head to the side, ashamed. But then, something caught her eye that made a great idea spring.

- Wait... Kirell. I think I may have found a solution.

The grey haired girl's eyes looked puzzled. Then Hilde pointed at one of the shopping carts, with a grin on her face.

- You can take me inside one of the carts! - Hilde said - In that way, I'll stay in one place and don't cause you any trouble!

Kirell face-palmed.

- Are you actually joking? You want me to take you in a shopping cart around the mall like a 5 year old?!

Hilde desperately shook her hands - It won't take long though! We are just going to buy some stuff right? It will be quick!

- Yeah, why the fuck I would need a shopping cart if we are just buying a few things? This is plain dumb.

At this point Hilde was feeling fed up of that discussion. Then she grabbed Kirell's shoulders by force and pulled her closer.

- Damn it, stop making an issue out of things for once in a lifetime! - Hilde angrily replied.

Her anger took Kirell by surprise, which shut her up. After locking eyes for a couple of seconds, Hilde eyes then went from anger, slowly to sorrow, as her head lowered down. Her grip also got weaker.

Seeing Hilde get sad like this just made Kirell feel dumb for getting into that argument in the first place. Her being bitter and wary of Hilde tagging along was completely unnecessary. Now Hilde was upset because Kirell kept pushing her away. Of course, Kirell was mostly embarrassed, but if she kept pushing her away, it would've been worse for both.

Kirell left a heavy sight, then stretched her arms to softly pat her back.

- Know what... Go ahead. Let's just get over it. - Kirell admitted, ending the discussion.

Automatically, Hilde's face brightened up and she looked at Kirell with a huge smile. She jumped around celebrating, and for a moment, Kirell almost regretted saying that.

But they moved on. Hilde just jumped in the shopping cart, while Kirell drove it around, avoiding eye contact with anyone that passed by. Strolling around the shopping mall.

[Timeskip after they buy everything because this is already longer than I wanted to be :') ]

With a bunch of full plastic bags, Hilde and Kirell stepped out of the shopping mall, with way more than what they were supposed to buy.

Kirell sighed - That was a whole adventure on it's own. And you said it was going to be quick...

- Aw come on! - Hilde insisted - It was fun! And we found out there was more stuff to buy we were missing out!

- Yeah, sounds like more spending for me. And being watched by people carrying a grown woman on a shopping cart.

Hilde twisted her head to the side, laughing. Then she stepped next to Kirell and rested her arm on her shoulders.

- Still... Thank you for letting me stick around. Even if you were being an ass at first.

Kirell shrugged, ashamed - Oh yeah... sorry for that. I really said some shit there. You did not deserve to hear any of that...

Hilde rubbed her finger on Kirell's cheek - Aw, I know you can be hot headed sometimes. But you can trust me, you know.

- Yeah, I'm aware of that.

Hilde giggled - But it's fair. Sorry, it was a stupid idea. But next time you can just let me tag along, just by your side.

Kirell agreed shyly, and they moved on while talking, and walking together back home.

[7Days!] Hirell (Hilde x Kirell) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now