Rescued Cat

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Hello there! I'm so sorry for not posting anything for these past couple of months!
I uninstalled Wattpad and simply forgot about it wheeze, then only today I remember about this oneshot chapter I finished and I haven't posted anywhere.
Welp, I hope you enjoy it! Once again, sorry for the absence <\3

- Kirell -

It was a busy day for me today. For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to get hired for a job since I had officially left the Organization. It has been hard, not gonna lie. With Argo moving away to secure myself from getting caught by the police for my past relationship with him and the Organization, I had to find a way to get the money by myself and now I was in extreme need to get a job. I've been declined loads of times, and honestly, I'm losing hopes to find a job any time soon. Waking up every morning and walking around just to find out I'm not fit to be an employer of any kind has got me thinking if it was really worth leaving the Organization. I'm even thinking about moving to a friend's house since I'm starting to have no money to pay my bills.

Well, this was no different day, except for one thing. It was almost 01:00PM, sun shining high in the sky. I could feel my face dripping from sweat from all the walking around and harsh temperature. On my head, all I wanted is to go home.

But not very far away, I heard a faint noise.


I stopped and looked around, even though I was in the rush to get to my house and protect myself from the harsh sunlight. But something about this noise made me feel uneasy, as if it was a call for help.

I followed the noise, that got louder and louder everytime I got closer. When I was walking around next to a store standing on my right, I saw a pile of trash with a box with one single kitten inside.

I kneel down to get closer and I grabbed the box. There was a little note inside of it with the kitten.

"Anyone feel free to take him if you want. I couldn't afford to take care of him, so please give him a good home."

I looked at the kitten in pure sorrow. Even though he was protected in a shade of shadow from the trashcans, he was shaking a lot from the thirst and hunger.

His pelt was a weird reddish black and he had very sharp yellow eyes. He looked at me meowing and trying his best to stand up, but whenever he tried for too long, he would fall again. I took the box and stood up, stunned by the little surprise, and I wondered what to do.

"I should take him home and find something for him to eat. He also urgently needs water." I thought to myself. With no hesitation, I ran my way to my house so I could finally treat the poor little kitten.

His pelt glowed dark red at the very harsh sunlight, and he tried to hold his grip to don't tumble around while I was running with the box. I also tried to close the box a little so the sun doesn't affect him.

I got home. I've immediately put the box on the floor and rushed to the fridge to get some cold water. I also took a small pot and poured the water on it. I took the kitten out of the smelly box and let him free. I left the pot on the floor so he could drink, and he clumsily ran his way to it. He started to drink and almost spilled water everywhere while purring.

Well, one of the problems was solved, but I was pretty sure the cat was also starving. But then it hit me that I didn't knew what was actually safe for a cat to eat and what is not. I definetely couldn't afford enough money for cat food, and I had to trust on the food on my kitchen to feed the little guy. Also, I never had any animals at my house because Argo never wanted me to have one, so I didn't know how to treat a sick animal or properly take care of it.

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