part 21

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It's dark.

Where am I?

"I won't lie to you, we aren't going to be friends."

The voice comes from behind Jisung. It's too loud, too close, too harsh. The speaker sounds sad.

I have to move, Jisung thinks to himself. But where to?

He's walking blindly. The darkness is thick and impenetrable. He continues to walk.

"You shouldn't know me. No one should."

Jisung recognises the voice. He's heard it before, those words exactly. Where? He knows the voice, but it's too sad. He walks away from it.

How much further can I walk? Where am I even going?

"Take me. It was me who orchestrated it, right? So take me."

Jisung can't bear the voice anymore. It is breaking his heart and he can't even remember why. He keeps walking.

Suddenly, in front of him - a pinprick of light. Hope?

It grows bigger as he approaches. A warmth spreads over Jisung. The light is comforting, and he feels as though if he could just grab it in his hands, he could sleep forever.

But then the voice speaks again.

"I think I've always been looking for something. Now I think it was you all along."


"I'm sorry I'm late, angel. But I'm here now."

Jisung turns his back on the light. He starts to run towards the voice-


Jisung paused and looked down. He was stood in a corridor, dimly lit by fluorescent emergency lighting. He was dressed in a hospital gown. Why was he in the hospital? A sharp twinge of pain in his abdomen sent him doubling over.


Jisung fell backwards onto the floor. Before his back could hit the ground, strong arms were lifting him up. He found himself being placed in a chair next to a row of others, all bolted to the wall. Opposite him, posters stuck to the wall boasted the latest warning signs and miracle cures.

"Where am I?" Jisung didn't like this feeling of disorientation. He looked up and his eyes locked onto Jeongin's, which were wide with concern.

"Hyung, you need to get back to bed, Minho is going to freak out..." Jeongin seemed frantic.

"Minho? He's here?"

"He's been here the whole time. Didn't you see him when you woke up? He's been sleeping in the bed with you."

"What happened? I remember the fight... But why am I here? And why do my ribs feel like they're about to break?"

Jeongin sighed and took a seat next to Jisung. They were sat in the corridor outside a random ward. There was a moment of silence before Jeongin spoke.

"Don't worry about that. Your ribs are already broken. Hyunjin told me about the fight. They got you pretty bad, lots of bruises and some internal bleeding. Then you got stabbed."

"I got stabbed?" Jisung exclaimed. Jeongin looked sheepish.

"Yeah. Kind of a sore subject. You've been out for two days now. We weren't sure if you... Minho has been going out of his mind."

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