10:00 AM

It wasn't easy seeing that the Principal confiscated my phone yesterday. It took a lot of pleading and begging before she finally handed me back my phone but it came with a warning of course.

Our Christmas party would start by 12:00 PM and would be hosted at Harmony Park so I was in no hurry.

It was a Saturday and my parents travelled for the weekend to celebrate their anniversary.

Tami was left in charge of me but I knew better than to let her control me.

I went down to the living room and met Tami watching TV.

"Good morning dear sister" I said, cheekily.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your Christmas party?" She asked.

"And aren't you supposed to be making breakfast?" I asked in reply.

I collapsed on the sofa and stared at the TV.

Henry Danger played on the TV and my sister watched it with so much attention.

I sat on the sofa and joined her to watch.

Few minutes later, I heard my phone ring. I traced it to the dining room and when I grabbed it I didn't see the caller's ID, I picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" I said skeptically.

"Kemi, it's Tega. What are you still doing at home? Come quick!" I heard Tega say.

"Wha–Who's number is this?" I asked.

"Mine, Sister Kemo bought me a new phone" She giggled.

"Oh wow! That's awesome" I told her.

"Yeah, I know, it's so cool. What are you doing anyway?" She asked.

"I'm watching TV with Tami" I said.

"Seriously?! TV? You better get here in the next.....30 minutes. That's final!" She yelled and cut the call but I could hear the playfulness in her voice.

"Okay, madam" I chuckled.

I went up to my room and took a bath, then coming out I decided to put on my red sweat shirt, black jeans trousers and black boots.

I put on my silver wrist watch, and went down to the dining room where I left my phone.

"Tami I'm going, if you need anything don't hesitate to call the man of the house ok" I smiled.

"Haha, very funny. I won't be needing your help cos I'm older than you so bye. And have fun" She said.

"Thanks, sis" And with that, I walked out of the house, with my phone in my pocket and took public transport to Harmony Park.

At Harmony Park:

Tega's POV.
I sat on a bench with KC as I explored the features of my new phone.

Now, it was 11:30 AM and Kemi had still not arrived.

"Install Snapchat, Tega" KC said, cheerfully.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's an app used to take pictures but it's got awesome photo effects and filters. I know cos my mum uses it 24/7" She giggled.

"Nice" I said, and went to play store on the phone.

I keyed in Snapchat on the search space and it showed me the app. I clicked on it and began to download it.

"Oh My Gosh! Tega you need to see this" KC said.

"What do I need t–" I looked up from the phone and watched Kosi, Williams, Bella and Amanda in disgust as they strut around the place.

"I can't believe these girls did make up" I giggled, "Imagine what would now happen when they enter SS 3".

"The make up they did is not even fine sef. They looked like someone paid them to go and do juju and the thing back fired, in order words, they look like Ojuju Calabar" KC snickered.

I could see some seniors who watched them laughing silently. I felt kinda bad for them.

Shortly after, Kemi walked in.

"How far" He greeted, strutting towards me.

"Who are you doing guy for?" I laughed.

"A fine guy like me should also have a fine walking style" He chuckled.

"Shift joor, lemme see the fine guy" I laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny" He said, "Did the school hire masquerades for the Christmas party?".

"No, why?" I asked. He pointed to the direction of Kosi and her crew.

"Oh! Is it those people you're calling masquerades?!" I asked, and KC and I burst into laughter.

"If they're not masquerades who are they?" He asked.

"That's Kosi and her crew" I laughed some more.

"Oh My– What did they put on their face?" He asked, with stifled laughs. I didn't have an answer for that but rather I laughed even more.

Kemi cleared his throat when we had stopped laughing, "You look awesome by the way".

"You're not too bad yourself" I smiled.

"Hi guys" Zane greeted.

"Hey!" I replied and walked over to him.

"Wow!" He simply said, looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

He cleared his throat, "Nothing, uum, Merry Christmas in advance".

"Same" I said.

We spent the rest of the time chatting with one another, playing games and taking pictures on Snapchat until the party finally started.

Believe me, I was so relieved but then I noticed, some people had not arrived yet. I wonder if they're going to make a dramatic entrance. I wouldn't be surprised if they do anyway.

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