eleven ⭒ i do something incredibly stupid ( and no one is surprised! )

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slide, shake your bones out if you wanna ride, throw your head back, make you feel alive, the kind of bad that make you feel good, good.



Violet struggles to form sentences as Caspian gives her a detailed run-down of the fight I had with Devon. I swirl my spoon in my pea-green soup and try to eat as she splutters for words.

Max hasn't turned up to dinner, and Violet, along with Scarlett and Alexei refuse to answer any questions I have regarding him. His whereabouts, plus if he has made it through the day is a mystery to me.

"Well, that's certainly one way to get killed. Pretty creative, if you ask me." Finnick Odair retorts. He has decided to take dinner with us at Alexei's invitation, and Finnick has also requested the company of the notorious Johanna Mason, victor of last year's games.

"Yeah, bonus points for drawing blood." Johanna adds. Scarlett sits next to her, and they share a longing glance before returning to their food.

"Maple, I hope you know that that was an incredibly irresponsible thing to do!" Violet screehces and whacks the back of my head with her papery fan. I recoil, almost plummeting face first into my bowl of soup.

"I'm not hungry." I state, pushing my chair backwards so harshly that it clatters loudly to the ground. "I'm going to bed."

"Maple, wait-" Caspian follows me desperately as I storm away, but after I turn the corner to my room, he gives up.

I hear Violet continue to complain about me, and my attempts to hold back my tears are futile, causing them to spill mercilessly onto my cheeks.


Another nightmare plagues my restless night.

This time, I'm circling the cornucopia, with only one person facing me on the other side of the hulking metal structure.

We're the last two standing, but I can't make out who stares back at me. They hold some kind of needle-like blades in their palms, and I ready my own knife in preparation for the fight.

Suddenly, they charge forward, and though I'm trying to move, my feet are glued in place. It's not just my legs that are frozen, either: my whole body is paralyzed, and all I can do is blink rapidly as the person continues to sprint over to me.

In a blur, the full force of their body weight crashes into me and I collapse onto the ground. As the tribute pins me down and holds a blade to my throat, I see who it is.


His warm eyes no longer glimmer with kindness, instead so full of raging bloodlust that it makes me skin crawl. His smile does not warm my body, rather sending an ice-cold chill through my spine. His golden brown hair is matted to his tanned forehead with what I first think is sweat, but turns out to be blood. The hot, sticky liquid dribbles from his face to my own, and I recoil as the fluid bonds to my skin.

"You're a monster, Maple. A monster. That's what you are." Caspian spits, uttering the same words as he did in my last dream. I flinch as he pushes the blade further onto my throat, sharply cutting off my oxygen supply.

BLEEDING ⭒ the hunger games¹ [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora