They went to get the school textbooks he needed first, and then went to get the equipment like a cauldron for potions, and a telescope for astronomy. They went to get his wand which was the activity he was most looking forward to doing that day.

He walked into Ollivanders, the wand shop. It was a dimly lit place, with rows, and piles of wand boxes covered in dust, and behind the counter was the owner, and wandmaker of the shop, Mr. Ollivander.

Harry hopped over to the counter with excitement. "Good morning, I am here to get my very first wand."

Mr. Ollivander smiled. "Hello Mr. Warbeck."

Harry looked around to be sure they were the only ones in the wand shop, if anyone else was in there with them, and heard that he would get bombarded with questions about his mother, and luckily no one had made a big deal yet that he was at Diagon Alley, and he would like to keep it that way.

Harry turned back to Mr. Ollivander. Ollivander was already going to the back, and picking out wands. He came back with a couple wands, and explained the core, and wood types, and how that influenced the types of magic. Harry tried a Birch wand, but he ended up breaking a teacup, and he tried a Pear one, but that wasn't the right fit. Mr. Ollivander went back, and forth a couple more times until he came out with a particular one.

"This," he said slowly, "is a Willow wand." He handed it over to Harry. Harry looked at the wand, it was flexible. "Willow wands usually go for someone who has a lot of potential, people who will go far. They go for the ones that often have insecurities, and they go for people who are calm but," Mr. Ollivander looked at him. "This particular wand wood is paired with a dragon heartstring core, which means that this wand is quite a unique one. Dragon heartstring is usually paired with more powerful wands in the offensive sense. Wands strong with duelling. The willow wand is more so with the defense type, and the healing type, so it is quite a contradiction."

Harry looked at him nervous. "Is that bad sir?"

Mr. Ollivander shook his head. "Not at all, it means you are very protective, and caring of your friends, and kind to others, but you are not afraid to tell people off. You are an overachiever, who feels the need to impress everyone, but you are open minded to new ideas."

Harry was not a fan of how a wand can read so much into a person, but he did know this wand was a good fit for him. He just knew.

"Well, Mr. Warbeck." Said Ollivander. "I think we have a good fit for you." Mr. Ollivander smiled, and took the wand from Harry's hand, and put it in a box. He handed the box to his father. "Use it well."

Harry gave a smile, and was about to leave when another boy came inside the shop. Harry hid behind his father, nervous.

The boy slowly walked into the shop with a look of wonder in his eyes. He looked around at all the dusty boxes that were filled with all different types of wands.

He seemed to be alone.

He walked up to Mr. Ollivander. "Hi." He said nervously. He had a list in his hands. He looked at it. "You're Mr. Ollivander, yes? This is the wand shop?"

Mr. Ollivander smiled. "Yes, it is, I assume you are muggleborn?"

"Pardon?" Asked the boy.

Harry came up to him from behind his father realizing he needed help. "Muggleborn is a term used for someone who has two non magical parents, but is magic themselves."

The boy nodded. "Oh, cool! Thank you!"

Harry looked about realizing this boy's parents were not in the shop. "Where are your parents?"

The boy looked at him with a glint of nervousness in his eyes. "Oh, they are a little nervous about all the magic stuff, they are waiting outside."

Harry nodded at this. "Are you excited for Hogwarts?"

The boy nodded. "Of course, I mean a magic school, it is every kid's dream!"

Harry nodded agreeing very much with this statement, muggleborns had a different experience with the Wizarding World, they very much were living a dream, growing up thinking you were just like every other kid, but then one day you are whisked away to this magic school to learn, because surprise, you're a wizard!

Harry's dad approached him. "We need to go, other people are starting to come in."

Harry quickly looked, and saw a few others were coming in the door, he turned to the other boy who was looking around at the shop, and said "Well I will see you around!" He went out of the shop, as the boy waved after him.

Harry, and his dad went to the floo station, after they were finished with their shopping. They flooed back to their neighbourhood. They walked back to the house, and suddenly Harry remembered that they had forgotten to get a pet.

His dad gave a quick smile. "Don't worry I got it right here. I got it when you were getting your robes." He showed Harry it.

"AW, IT IS THE CUTEST!" Harry yelled in excitement. He took the animal from his dad, and cuddled it.

His dad chuckled. "I know how much you like them, even though I don't see the appeal."

"I love him, dad." Harry said. "Thank you."

The rat sat on his shoulder the rest of the walk home. 

Freaks: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now