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To whom it may concern,

My name is Someone Something, I am a Country citizen, currently enrolled in Reykjavik University. I am writing to express ny interest in your volunteer work programme, as advertised online at I have been following the progress of KoalaWatch and I am familiar with your conservational work. As someone with 2 years of previous experience working in the animal care industry, I believe that I am the right candidate for the job.

I have been working as a vet assistant at Érd Veterinary Clinic for one and a half years. Pior to that, I was employed at Budapest Zoo as an animal caretaker. My job involved helping to resocialise quarantined animals, introducing new animals to already establisjed communities and cleaning cages at the end of shifts. Because of this, I am familiar with not only pets, but also wild animals. I have also worked with koalas numerous times, and I am very excited to work with such wonderful creatures again.

In the future, I would like to continue working in this field as a vet, and this role would be a great opportunity for me to gather more experience, as I always wanted to partake in working with koalas.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the beginning and length of shifts.

I'm looking forward to further discussion.

Yours faithfully,
Someone Something

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