Chapter 45: Irrevocability

Start from the beginning

All I'd known when I'd met my brother, was that I'd wanted this night to be just for us, without any disturbance of a worrying thought.

"Because this evening should be about us. If I'd told my brother about it, he would've riddled me with questions and demands and threats... and then he would've knocked on your door and do the same to you."

Phoenix nodded and squeezed my hand before he led it behind my back, forcing me to close the distance between us. His chest pressed against my own as he leaned in and smirked, though the way his lips twitched up told me there was more than just amusement in his actions. There was mischief, defiance, and a whole damn library of determination lingering in his voice when he whispered in my ear.

"Next time... let him come knock at my door. I've had ten years to find the answers he's looking for, and I don't mind sharing them."

My breath hitched as he leaned back slightly, not enough to give me a chance to breathe, but the space between us sufficed so he could shoot me a look that made me weak to the knees. The intensity in his eyes had always been uncanny — even more so now that he'd matured.

"Don't underestimate who I am and what I am prepared to do, Florence. I'll respect your pace but believe me when I say I won't let anything — and I mean, anything, change my course. Because right now, I like where we're headed."

I was dizzy by the time he shot me a wink and let go of me, allowing me a break from the tension.

It took a minute or two, a minute or two that Phoenix spent watching me, patiently waiting for a response.

"Well," my voice was barely audible by the time I found the right words, "let's hope we don't get into any turbulences on our way there."

I'd expected a grin, a chuckle, maybe a smirk as a reaction to my words. But I didn't expect the whole-hearted laugh that escaped Phoenix lips before he shook his head and leaned toward me and pressed a swift kiss on my cheek.

"Oh, Miss Nyx. We both know that's not possible. After all, you can't forget... You are the daughter of Chaos, the goddess of the night. If anyone is drawn to the storm, it's you."


"Alright, we're done." Phoenix grinned as he pulled the lasagna out of the oven, filling the entire kitchen with a heavenly smell. He cut two slices and put them each on a plate before he walked over to the wall, where he opened a tiny metal door that was at eye level to him.

I cocked my head to the side when he put the plates inside and pressed a button on the wall next to it before he made his way back to me.

"What's that?" I asked, but Phoenix responded with a wink.

"Follow me." He grabbed my hand, led me out of the kitchen, and flicked on another light that illuminated a spiral staircase at the corner of the restaurant.

I walked behind him, once again trying hard not to stare at the way his body moved as he guided me up the stairs and opened the door to the rooftop. The warm summer night air made me inhale deeply, and I allowed the oxygen to wake me up while I glanced around the area. It was a rather small but comfortable space, with sofas, hammocks, and seat cushions on the ground.

Phoenix led me to the grey hammock without a word. I took a seat, watching him rush around the rooftop as he lit a few large candles before he approached a small door on the wall. He opened it and pulled out the two plates he had put in the wall earlier.

Hah. So that's where they went.

I couldn't help but laugh as he walked up to me, arm stretched out like he was a fancy waiter.

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