Chapter 273: An Emphatic Reply!

Start from the beginning

[Yeah, after reading these two sentences from Y, I suddenly feel more open-hearted. The gloominess that I felt after being ridiculed by those vile people has now been swept away.]

[Classic, another classic! Y doesn’t only have great talent, but also great wisdom and a great heart!]

[Hahaha, why aren’t those people scolding anymore? Feeling embarrassed? Do you see it now? Y thinks that it’s beneath him to be scolding you!]

Subsequently, a fan who was the head of the Celestial Bane fan group posted a comment. [Dear parents, I know you care about your children’s studies, but literature is spoken out of the conscience of one’s heart. It does not discriminate the rich from the poor. Celestial Bane is, without a doubt, a good piece of work. At the very least, it will never be the scourge to young people that all of you speak of. If you are skeptical, feel free to read the writings of those so-called classic writers, then compare it with Celestial Bane. Then come back and comment. Don’t be influenced by some people!]

[Upstairs, you could not have said it better!]

[Good! That group of people said that reading Celestial Bane is a waste of time. Are they saying that it’s not a waste of time to read their works? Their works are all a joke. They’re a waste of time and they surely did waste five minutes my time!]

[That group is just jealous that someone else’s achievements are better and more profitable than theirs. Our eyes can see clearly, and works that everyone likes are good creations!]

Ye Lingchen’s two verses were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It brought back the flame war that was already beginning to hit the back foot which motivated the fans even more.

At that exact moment, Huang Lihua—Vice-Chairman of Capital’s Writers Association—could not bear it anymore and stepped forward. [I, as the vice-chairman of Capital’s Writers Association, will not allow distortion of our country’s literature! We have been in the literature world for decades and have a deeper understanding of literature. Does any of you understand literature more than us?]

The head of the Celestial Bane fan group stood up again, [Then tell us right now. What is literature? Hehe, are you saying that you have the final say on what is and what isn’t literature? What right do you have? Are literary works mere playthings for people like you to amuse yourselves with while disallowing ordinary people like us to read them? Literary works are for everyone to read! Anything that resonates with the masses and makes us invested in it is good literature!]

[You said it! Literary works that are accepted and acknowledged by everyone are good!]

Many parents chose to be silent because their bias had led them to be easily swayed.

In fact, those parents were once teens too. Back then, they also hid under their blankets to follow up with Wuxia novels. As a result, they had profound feelings over it.

Later, those who wrote Wuxia novels have become recognized as great writers and their works became classics. Present online novels were almost the same as Wuxia novels back in the day.

In addition, some even began paying more attention to Celestial Bane. Anyone who read it would certainly delve wholly into it.

[Author, I was wrong. I just scolded you because I was swayed by the others. I sincerely apologize to you. Celestial Bane is good.]

[For you to write such a good poem and say such things with reason, I trust that your writing isn’t tasteless! I apologize too.]

[F*ck, I just followed the call for you to put away your pen. I was possessed. Celestial Bane is really good, please continue to update it…]

The plot reversal was faster than everyone expected and those traditional writers could only cease-fire reluctantly.

However, there was no shortage of people who remained stubborn and began scolding like nobody’s business.

[What the hell? I strongly insist on banning this author!]

[It’s reached this point already, but there are still people defending Celestial Bane. What a bunch of stupid p*ssies!]

[Why is this book so popular when its contents are all written like rubbish?]

For those people, the response of those fans was rude and crass, so in light of the unreasonableness, why not just continue scolding until kingdom come!

[Brothers, let me kill him and spare not a piece of his armor!]

[The scolding skills I learned from Y can finally come in handy!]

[Your mother is calling you home for dinner!]

[A fetus like you has grown so big already?]

Ring ding ding!

The bell rang to signal the end of class.

With Wan Yun declaring that class was over, many students took out their phones and were anxious to see Celestial Bane’s latest progress on Weibo…

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