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The trio had just helped raid IvenTor and take it back for the Empire.

They were now walking through Tibirlon, to tell the military commander of the recent events.

When they got inside, Kamdelba instantly said "We claimed IvenTor for the Empire"

"YOU DID WHAT!?!" Yelled the military commander 

"Mayor Irlav joined the Empire, and sent us with troops to IvenTor." 

"Well... In that case, Good job" Replied the military commander "As a matter of fact, I was just planning an attack on EaderNol. So, I shall send you three with some of my soldiers tomorrow to take it back as well. But for now you should get some rest." 

"Yes sir" Said Charles, and the three went to the barracks and went to sleep.

The next day, the group went with an army of Imperial soldiers to claim EaderNol.

When they got there they were greeted with a suprise. 

There was already an army waiting for them. 

They broke down the barricades and rushed into the village. Fighting hundreds of GreyHeart warriors, but after hours and hours of fighting, they still managed to make it to the town hall, where they killed the Mayor. 

"Only 2 more towns to go" Said Kamdelba, having to catch his breath in-between words.

"Let's go back to Tibirlon" Said Kevlar 

So the three then went back to Tibirlon to tell the military leader of the Imperial success.

When they were walking through the forest, they came to a small camp with nothing but a tent. There was blood everywhere.

Two corpses sat in the middle of the small camp.

One GreyHeart, one Imperial. 

"Very, very, unfortunate." Said Charles "The Imperial. Not the GreyHeart" 

They then kept walking.

When they reached the Tibirlon town hall, Kamdelba told the military commander of the success.

"In two days I will send you on a difficult quest." Said the military commander "To sneak into the sleeping room of the mayor of Ibertol and assassinate him without a trace, and do the same for the millitary commanders. Once done, Report back, and I will send an army to carry out any other work. For now you shall rest clean yourselves up, and the most important part. Hear are some GreyHeart clothes and a false note about the next rebel attack. You'll need the clothes to blend in, and the note to gain access to the Mayors room. But of course, as of the next two days, you three can stay in my guest quarters, with exactly three rooms, each with it's own bed kitchen and freshening room." 

The three went to the guest rooms, and cleaned themselves up, and ate and slept, and repeated the same process for the next two days.

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