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On the day of the mission, the trio got dressed into their GreyHeart disguises, and left on an adventure to Ibertol, to assassinate the Mayor, and the military commanders.

When they got there, it had already became night. The guards instantly opened the gates. "Thank you for your services" Said one of the guards.

They walked inside and headed straight to the town hall.

At the entrance, they were instantly stopped.

 "Why are you here at this hour?" Asked the guard.

"We have a message about the war" Said Charles, pulling out the note.

"I do not have the authorization to see that" Said the guard. "Go right in" He said as he opened the gate.

"The group walked inside, and headed to the Mayors quarters. 

Which was easy to find due to all the signs everywhere.

When they got into the Mayors room, Kevlar pulled out a sharp steel dagger, and killed the Mayor without a sound.

The three then went, and did the same to all 4 military commanders.

Once this was done, and the army was weakened, they reported back to the Imperial military commander, they were told to wait another day before they would be sent, with an army of 90,000 people. 

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