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The village had been attacked by Rebels.

 The group: (the mayor, the guard, and Kamdelba) had formed.

 Every-thing was either on fire, or covered in blood. Protecting the village was hopeless. There was only one goal "THE ESCAPE".  


 The trio ran through the ruckus. As they reached the gate, the mayor realized "We need a key."

 "Guards carry a key at all times" Said the guard, as he pulled a key from his belt and quickly unlocked the gate.


As soon as they were on the other side of the gate the group instantly began running away from the Ruins of what was the village of Wippleton.

 After they had ran for what seemed like forever and ever, they finally reached a clearing in the woods, with a small shack called "adventurers rest"

(The name explains it all) Inside was 4 candles, 5 old fur sleeping-bags, and a dresser. 

It was already 9:45 p.m. So the trio decided to rest for the night. They all fell asleep very quick, because of the previous events had made them tired....


In the following morning the three all awoke and ate some of the apples that Kamdelba had in his rucksack. 

The trio had then began to hike through the Eastengarde forest, on their way to Astenjol.

 One of the larger cities in Estrian, and one of the main exporters.

 "Ya know what" Said the guard "All the bigger cities belong to the empire, and the smaller ones belong to the Rebels" "We're just better" Said Kamdelba.

 "Agreed." Said the mayor. "We also own 9 places, and they have 6" Said the guard.

 "They should just give up" Said Kamdelba. "Why don't we talk about something else" Said the former mayor "Like you guard, what's your name?" "Charles" The guard responded "What about you?" "Kevlar" said the former mayor "My name is Kevlar"

 "Wait a second" Said Kamdelba "What's that?" Just the three noticed a carriage, 

they quickly walked up to see who was the owner. They saw a man on a horse, he was also pulling a goat beside him on a lead. the carriage was carrying a lump of items.

 "Hello" Said Charles "Oh! Well hello there" Said the man as he pulled his whole carriage to a halt. "BAAAAUAAH!!!!" Screamed the goat as it tried to keep walking "Oh, don't mind him" Said the man "He always yells. Anyway, where are ya fellows headed?" 

"Astenjol" said Kevlar "Don't just tell him where we're going!" said Charles "Imperial or Rebel?" Charles asked the man "Imperial" the man said "Good. Hey what's your name?" 

"Yismut" replied the man "The horse is called 'Alira' after the queen, and the goat is 'Daisy' after his favorite food"

 "Do you happen to have any water we could drink?" Asked Kamdelba "Plenty in back. Say why don't you climb in and I could take you to Astenjol" "Sure!" replied Charles, and the three climbed in the carriage....

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