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"hold my heart in your rosy palms"


Six years later...

"Pl--please baby d-dont cry pl--please,daddy is c-coming."
Harry whispered with his teary eyes taking his little bean in his arms,he started rubbing his back while singing his favourite lullaby in his ears, it always help to calm his nerves.

xerxes harry zayn malik is the name of their son,the light of their life,their everything. Zayn's world revolve around these two creatures his husband ,and his son.Though he didn't plan to be a father so soon cause in his mind harry is his baby ,and if they've child then maybe he won't  be able to provide that much attention to harry ,but fate had it's own plans.


When his best mate Jem and his wife Liza left one year old xerxes with them cause they had a date night plan.Harry was really very  fond of babies, he always like to play with them,he even demand a baby from zayn pouting furiously that I want baby or i won't eat ,but zayn denied saying not now we'll see next year. But after their date Jem and Liza got in car accident leaving their little life alone in this World.

And during her last breath Liza's last wish was "please take care of my son zayn ,he's yours now please." And from that moment he's dad and that feeling to be someone's dad is amazing,a little life will learn everything from you, god's gift.His most precious gift.

When zayn return from hospital with xerxes in his arms eyes and cheeks red from crying,he lost his best friend just in blink of his eyes who was like his big brother or maybe more than that. He handed that baby in harry's arms ,and hugged both of them, while whispering that he's our baby , he's your baby and we both are dad now. They both cried for hours tears of grief, and tears of happiness both streaming with same glossy- eyes.

But when harry heard his baby's sobs he wiped his tears, and kissed both of his red chubby cheeks.

"Pl--please don't cry l-little baby, I'm your Papa, and z-zayn is your d-daddy."

As soon as those words left from harry's mouth zayn engulfed both of them in his loving arms.

First harry but now he has two angels in his arms.


"Z-zayn be fast b-baby is c-crying"
Harry yelled from bedroom, he hate when xerxes cry and sometimes they both cry toghther, and zayn would also join them if they didn't stop on his pleadings and when those heartbreaking sobs becomes giggles they don't have any idea. An literal adorable family they're.

Zayn was in the kitchen making cerelac for his little prince, but he can hear harry's furious voice he hurried carrying a bottle of milk,a bowl of cerelac and glass of orange juice for his another baby .yes everything just in his two hands, being a dad taught you every impossible things, and specially when both of your childrens are brat.

"So so so sorry my babies but see I'm here now".
Zayn said with a cheerful voice as he entered in their bedroom but harry was sitting there ignoring his husband while talking to his lil baby in hushed tone that d-addy is so s-silly, and we won't kiss him.

Zayn smiled at that beautiful sight which always melts his heart.His harry is talking to their son, it was like a fairytale,a dream come true.He slowly walks towards his world,and took xerxes in arms and soon he was cuddling on his chest but from few days he also learnt pouting like harry ,cause his adorable husband is always pouting for little things.

"He c-cried for t-two minutes z-zayn".

Harry whispered while sipping his orange juice, and zayn was feeding xerxes while talking and occassionally kissing his cheeks.

"I know, and I'm sorry baby".

Zayn said while putting xerxes on his little bed who was sound asleep now. They both kissed his forehead and cheeks multiple time before closing his door, but harry was still not satisfied so he peek inside one more time to look that his little peanut is safe or not.


When harry was in his love's arms, head on his chest and naked limbs tangled toghther in warm sheets, talking about their day and how xerxes learn new things day by day. How he played hide and seek with harry, and even caught him. Talking about everything his heart wants to.

"I love you"

"I love you too z-zayn."

And they both knows after spending every second with eachother ,they both are aware that how much they mean to eachother. And how their love is the most beautiful flower which has ever blossomed in their life. And how when one of them are sick the other one will awake whole night holding other's hands. And how when they hold eachother during a nail biting soccer match. And how they dance on romantic songs after midnight,how they drench themselves in rain on photograph,and so many other how.


Zayn met a fourteen year old harry, who was so scared to even talk to him, but love is the solution of every problem, and here they are making memories with closed eyes.

And in that first interaction something in zayn told him it is harry,who's his soulmate and soul.

Something told me it was you...

And it is harry who owns every ounce and cell of his body & his soul is covered in the colour of harry's love.

His harry's name is carved in the deep corners of his heart.


The end.

Please leave some feedback about the whole story would like to read your opinion.

And support this stubborn author -pasteldreams
Cause she thinks she don't have supporters.

Lots of love ❤️💕

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