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"my love is lost somewhere in this darkness."


"Zayn wake up son !you've your college today, and dad wants to talk to you."
Trisha yelled from kitchen where she was cooking their morning breakfast. They're a middle class family and zayn is their only child, and they both have a big dreams for him,they wants him to achieve everything in his life,his happiness matters the most.

Finally after fifteen minutes he appeared in kitchen with a bright smile on his face,and trisha kissed his forehead while wishing him a very good morning.

"Where is he?"
He whispered while munching some chips as trisha was washing her hand. She smiled at his childish behaviour.

"Dad is very angry zayn, not angry more like really worried for you. He loves you so much more than me, remember when you were five and your broke my favourite vase oh god I scold you and your dad  cried with you. He didn't talk to me for a week."
She said remembering those memories which still bring a smile on her face. Yaser always had a very soft spot for zayn,and Trisha was not allowed to scold him but then her mother instincts didn't let her.

Zayn hugged her from behind, his chin on her shoulder and a grin never leaving his face, cause he knows only his mum has the ability to calm his dad and no one else.

"I know mum and I love him too, though I don't have something like remember this but I really do and only cause of his dream I'm doing medical. Only cause of you two,cause I love both of you so much."

Trisha put her hand on his cheeks and nod her head cause she understand, but yaser don't want to understand.


"Zayn where's my newspaper? "

"Yes dad here wait a sec."

"Don't worry mum I'll convince him. I know he behaves tough but his heart is softy-softy like you."
He whispered and ran towards his dad who was sitting on couch with  black coffee in his hand.

"Good morning dad."

"Good morning."

They both sat their he was reading his newspaper while zayn's eyes was stuck on his father waiting for him to say something, but when yaser didn't uttered a word zayn tried himself.


He said eyes focused on newspaper and zayn knows that he's trying to ignore him.

"Are you mad at me? "

"No I'm not mad, just worried about you and your future I hope I still have that right."

"Dad I-i----

Yaser kept his newspaper aside and motion zayn to come and sit beside him and zayn did, his heartbeat was racing cause he knows what's going to come.

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