Hamster jokes

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Q:What do you call a hamster with a top hat?
A:Abrahamster Lincoln

Q:What do you call a hamster with no legs?
A:A furball.

Q:Where does a hamster go for Spring Break?

Q:What's gray and furry on the inside and white on the outside?
A: A hamster sandwich!

Q:Why did the hamster run away? A:Because it didn't have a wheel!

Q:Why was the Hamster upset with his job?
A:It didn't pay enough salary (celery)

Q:What did the mother hamster say to her children when they wanted a bedtime story?
A:I don't have a tale!

Q:Where do hamsters come from? A:Hamsterdam (Amsterdam)

Q:What do you call a hamster with 3 legs?

Q:What do you call a hamster that can pick up an elephant ? A:Sir!

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