They reached the bottom of the stairs, checking on the greener members before turning to Artemisia. She was willing to spill her guts to these women. "This whole thing doesn't feel right. It's like I'm empty. I don't know how to explain it. Jason's death caused something."

"That's okay." Kory reached around both women, dragging them into a loose hug. "You have us now, for anything you need. We trust you."

Dawn reinforced the embrace, her head resting on Artemisia's shoulder. "You're our friend. Forget about what Dick said. We'll tell you everything. No secrets."

"Thank you, guys. You're the best that's ever happened."

"We know."

She eased into their arms, enjoying that moment, relishing it for the rest of her life. If only everything could be perfect. Dick's words still clouded her mind with worry. Could she actually be trusted? Was the League of Shadows using her without her knowledge? What if she couldn't control it? They could all be in danger. . .

"Let's go before he thinks you killed us." Her startled stare shot towards the laughing blonde. It wasn't as funny when the chances were high. Dawn's laugh faded away when no one joined. "Too soon?"

"Too soon."

The three women broke away from their embrace and assembled with the rest of the team in the next room. Dick's cold eyes fell on Artemisia the instant she waltzed through the arch. Dawn stepped between them, delivering a glare.

Dick looked away from them, addressing the entire team. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I wish it was under better circumstances."

"Nobody calls us under better circumstances." Kory chuckled. She was the only one that paid attention to him ( other than Dianna, of course ), the others were too hypnotized by the lair to care.

"I appreciate you coming." He cleared his throat. A few heads snapped in his direction, though they remained lost in thought. "But I should warn you, you're not in San Francisco. This city breeds a special class of criminal. People die here. Not just regular people. People like us. I don't wanna lose anybody else."

In three months they had mourned two people; forced to adapt themselves to this new reality. It was expected of them to continue. Hank, Rachel, they could not move on from those tragedies─ maybe Zach, too ( they couldn't know since he gave near to zero signs of life ).

"We know what we're up against," Dawn suggested with a smile. "You're family. No one here would ever let you do this alone."

Artemisia's head peeked over the blonde's shoulder. Her bold statement had taken Dick back, but under everyone's gaze, he couldn't react. A thin smile pushed on his lips, suggesting he had acknowledged her opinion. Dawn nodded slowly, satisfied.

"Can we see the Batsuit?" Conner chimed from the back of the team, hand raised with glee. Gar smiled by his side, attempting to convince the man to make their wishes come true.

Dick huffed a chuckle. "No."

Garfield's face fell, but Conner's still shone with hope since he had never been played by Dick before. "Uh, the Batmobile?"

"Guys." Kory scolded, her head thrown back with a sigh.

"What? He made me ask." Conner's finger pointed accusingly at the green-haired boy.

Garfield gasped in betrayal, moving away from the half-alien. "I did not. . . dick." They glared at each other, then turned back to Dick, paying no mind to the other ( though, that would not last long ).

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐘 ― d. grayson ¹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora