The Cookie

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A cookie with a paling shock of red hair and a white mask covering half of his face sat in his office. He sighed as he signed his signature on yet another file. Years of searching have left him at a dead end. Years of kidnapping magical children and forcing them to use all of their ability had left him without the cookie he wanted, no no, needed. Opening an ancient book, he turned to the page where it talked about the one given enough power to destroy armies with just a swipe of her hand. It didn't specify what power this could be which was even more frustrating. The only thing it really specified was that it was a female. He slammed his fist on the page and scowled.

"Where is she?!" He yelled at the book as if it would answer. There was a knock on the door and the cookie pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Come in." He grunted and immediately the door swung open. The cookie that entered looked as if he was from a movie. His dark mask covered his whole face and he wore a dark brown coat. A black fedora rested on his head and a cigar hung from his lips. His one hand was shoved in a pocket while the other gripped a child's shoulder.

"Ah, Marble Fudge cookie. It's nice to see you haven't been slacking on the job." The cookie scowled. Marble Fudge took off his mask with a growl. His face looked normal except the brown gash going across his left eye. It wasn't a scar or anything, just the way his dough was.

"If you're so upset about me slacking, how about you go and kidnap the kids yourself." Marble said in his rough voice as he shoved the kid forward. 

The kid put on a brave face but that didn't stop the cookie from noticing how she trembled. The cookie tried to hide the small smile that was coming across his face. These were the easiest kids to handle.

"Alright kid,  what's your ability." The cookie said as he leaned back in his chair folding his hands together.

"Why would I tell you!" The kid said and the cookie sighed once more.

"Listen kid, you can tell me or...." The cookie then proceeded to search through his desk and pulled out a needle. "I'll just take it from you."

The child's eyes widened as she saw how big the needle was but she didn't say a thing. As the cookie noticed her frightened stare he started to shift around his desk again. He finally pulled out a longer, thicker needle.

"Ah, there ya go. That's the right one." He said and he put it on his desk. The child gulped but again didn't say anything.

"Hmmm, how unfortunate. Marble hold her still." The cookie said and Marble held the child by her shoulders as the cookie came around his desk with the needle. The girl struggled under the tight grip of Marble.

"I'll tell you!" The child screamed which in Marbles thought was unnecessary.

"I'm listening." The cookie said and played with the needle in his hands.

"I can control water." The girl said and her eyes fell to her feet. The cookie grabbed a cup of water from his desk and held it in front of her face.

"Show me." He demanded and the girl gulped before she closed her eyes and focused. Bubbles started to appear in the water but that was all the girl could do. 

"That's all?" The cookie said as the bubbles came to a stop and the girl opened her eyes. Tiredly, she nodded yes.

"Hmm. Disappointing. Marble, erase her memories then shove her out on the street like always." The cookie said and Marble pushed the panicked girl out of the room. 

The cookie growled in frustration before slamming his fists on his desk. What was he missing?



There was that one girl who got away because of her idiotic parents. He had searched for her for weeks but finally gave up when he couldn't find her. They didn't find a body either which meant she was still alive, probably living up in those frozen mountains.

"I wonder..." He said to himself and then started to laugh. 

"I know who it is. Child, beware, you haven't escaped Ghost Pepper Cookie yet."

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