A Long Day

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Almond Cookie sat at his desk and groaned at the pile of paperwork in front of him. He wasn't getting done anytime soon. The only good thing was that he was at least home doing his work. His eyes looked tired as he ruffled his hair no longer caring about its neatness.

"Dad?" Came a small voice from the doorway fo Almonds office. Walnut cookie stood there in her nightgown holding Junior Sleuth Ted.

"Walnut, did you brush your teeth?" Almond asked rubbing his face as he looked up.

"Yes, sir. I did everything." She said. 

"All right." Almond said and stood up from his desk. "Go ahead and get in bed. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Walnut nodded and headed up the stairs to her room. As she was settling into bed, Almond stood in th kitchen, warming up a cup of milk for Walnut. She couldn't seem to sleep without it and a good bedtime story. Almond smiled. At least he got a break from working.

Almond finished the bedtime story and gently put the book on the nightstand next to the now asleep Walnut. Smiling, he kissed her forehead and began to leave the room.

"Hey Dad?" Walnut whispered sleepily.

"What is it sweetheart?" Almond asked as he stopped by the doorway.

"Don't forget that I'm off of school tomorrow."

Almond sucked in a breath. Shoot, he had work tomorrow and he didn't schedule Roquefort or any one of his willing friends to babysit. He closed the door as Walnut once again drifted off into sleep. He didn't want to leave her alone. He'd be worried about her all day! All he could do right now was hope that Roquefort hadn't planned anything for tomorrow.

The phone rang 3 times before Roquefort picked it up.

"Uh... what is it Almond? I'm a... little busy right now." Roquefort said, sounding out of breath.

"Sorry, but something came up... wait are those police sirens?" 

"Uh... yeah, some poor guy got caught speeding. What do you need?"

"I need you to babysit Walnut tomorrow."

"Ah, sorry Almond, I can't tomorrow. I'm busy."

"Busy with what?"

"Oh um... planning, yeah, I'm planning a party tomorrow. Maybe Latte can help?"

"I hope so. Thanks Roquefort."

"Of course." Roquefort said and hung up. 

Almond rubbed his face in frustration as he typed in Lattes number. He mentally begged her to pick up as the phone kept ringing.

"Yes?" Latte said tiredly at the other side of the phone. Almond sighed with relief.

"Hey, Latte, I'm sorry for calling so late..."

"No no it's... fine. Perfectly fine." 

"Right, anyway, can you watch Walnut tomorrow? She has off school and I'm working."

"Tomorrow? Uhh..." Almond heard her get up and shuffle around before she spoke again.

"Sorry, I can't tomorrow. However, a friend of mine just moved to Parfaedia last weekend and is looking for a way to earn some coins."

Almond clicked his tongue and tore his fingers through his hair.

"You trust this cookie?"

"Of course, she's totally trustworthy."

"Alright, I'm desperate. Let her know to arrive at 8."

"Will do. Goodnight Almond."

"Goodnight Latte."

Almond hung up the phone with no idea what he had just agreed to. Latte trusted whoever this cookie was so it should work out, right? He shook the many doubts from his head as he sat down at his desk. He had work to do.

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