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Almond walked through the hallways of the magical institute holding 2 coffees in his hands. One was black, pure caffeine  the other was a latte. He had a class in an hour and decided to grab a coffee but Latte had stopped him on his way down. He sighed and checked his watch. He had made good time and was still a little bit early. Passing by an open classroom door, he stopped when he saw who was in there and what she was doing. Sugar Plum stood there waving her hands, moving a solar system made of sugar around.

"It looks good." He said and he was pretty sure Sugar Plum jumped. She quickly gained her composure again.

"Thanks. Didn't, uh, didn't see ya there." She said with a little bit of a chuckle.

"I guess you're out of the babysitting business, huh?"

"Oh yeah, yep. I'm the new astronomy teacher, so, yeah, we'll see how it goes. I didn't know you taught here?"

"Oh yes. Just a couple students, though."

"Hey, those couple students have you here."

Almond chuckled.

"Yep. Away from the real work I need to do. Alas, the council thought it was good to get me around kids. To 'influence the younger generation.' Pfft."

"Well I have a class in about 15 minutes so I should get back to setting up." Sugar Plum smiled and Almond nodded his goodbye. However, he did see a statue that was mysteriously covered in a blanket in the corner. He couldn't help be curious as to what it was but decided to check in on it later.

The day waned on and soon the moon lit up Almonds classroom. He sighed as he marked another students answer wrong. Didn't these kids pay ANY attention? He rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up. He still had paperwork to do. It would be a VERY long night for him.

Almond put the last of his papers into his bag before he slung it over his shoulders and headed out the door of his classroom. He stopped by Lattes room to say goodbye and she tiredly waved goodbye back. He continued down the stairs when he remembered about the statue in Sugar Plums room. He stopped by and opened the unlocked door. It was dark and no one was in there. Flicking the lights on he walked over to the statue. He hesitated. Maybe he should leave it be. It is Sugar Plums business. Obviously, she didn't want anybody to see it.

His curiosity got the better of him and he yanked the blanket off and took a step back. It was scowling woman drawing the whip behind her ready to launch the painful lash at air. Her icy glare seemed to cut through Almond and he had to take a deep breath to calm his heart down. He touched the sugary statue and stumbled back as a scene filled his head.

"Mama! Please, it hurts." A child whimpered as she curled up in a ball trying to dodge the lashings of the whip. 

"Pain is for weaklings. And I have no room in my house for any weaknesses." An older female said and coiled the whip in her hand before grabbing the child by her arm and shoving her outside in the snow. The woman smiled and slammed the door, leaving the child in the snow with little to no protection.

Almond grabbed the desk behind him for support as his vision cleared from the scene. He looked at the statue again before running up the stairs to grab Latte. He dragged her out of her room and down the stairs.

"Almond?! What is so important." Latte said ripping her arm away and stopping midway down the stairs.

"It's Sugar Plum."

Suddenly, Latte became the one dragging Almond down the stairs and toward Sugar Plums room. They made it to her room and Latte stopped when she saw the statue. She covered her mouth and moved closer to the statue.

"She's getting worse..." Latte whispered and touched the statue. She stumbled backward and Almond had to catch her. She became glassy eyed and her grip on Almonds hand became tighter. She pushed away from Almond slowly, with tears in her eyes.

"You saw it too, didn't you?" She asked.

"Yes, that's why I grabbed you."

"Latte? Almond? What are you..." 

Almond and Latte both turned to see Sugar Plum with a coffee in her hand. She stopped speaking when she saw the uncovered statue. The coffee fell out of her hands and she began to shake uncontrollably. Almond was the first to realize that she was about to lose her balance and rushed over to hold her up.

"Latte, cover that statue up." Almond said, as he followed Sugar Plums stare. Latte quickly listened and only managed to cover the front but that was enough. Sugar Plum closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." She whispered after a while.

"There's no need to apologize." Almond said.

Almond lead her over to a chair and she gratefully sat down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Latte asked. "I told you I'd be there for you."

Sugar Plum stared at the floor, hanging her head.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't know what I was thinking." Sugar Plum said and hugged herself. 

"It's alright. I do think, however, that we should get that statue out of the room and get you home." Almond said and Latte nodded. Sugar Plum nodded and rubbed her arms where her scars lay. 

Almond and Latte helped her gather her school work together and brought her to Lattes house. Latte waved goodbye to Almond as they both decided that they'd take care of the statue in the morning since tomorrow was Saturday.

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