welcome gay people

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tw: gay people, gay ships, so much gay.
kaebedo, eulamber, rannett, zhongchiluc, many trans hcs + more

long ass character list:
jean: OfficialGrandMaster1
xinyan: poprocks
mona: dailyreads
kaeya: wheresmycalvary
diluc: anonlychild
barbara: princessbarbara01
yae: raidenluvbot
raiden: officialshogun
thoma: notyourhousewife
itto: ittoffical (and raidenhater, dailyushi)
lisa: favlibrarian
chongyun: spiritwhen
xingqiu: thyliege
venti: localbard
xiangling: cookingwithguoba
bennett: lookingforrazor
razor: hidingfrombennett
amber: eulaplsgetthehint
eula: amberwdym
sucrose: sugarysucrose
albedo: chalkmaster
fischl: prinzessin
oz: fischltranslate
noelle: rejectedknightera
zhongli: moraless
childe: walkinghazard
ning: beidoudni
beidou: tianquanplsnoticeme
kazuha: loveyoutomo
ganyu: literalgoat
yoimiya: queenofsummer
yanfei: bestestlegaladvisor
qiqi: cocogoatmilkpls
xiao: barbatosfanpage
rosaria: fuckbarsibatos
gorou: yaeiwontbark
kokomi: fishprincess
ayaka: mastermanipulator
dain: archonsbeware
aether: sisterhmulol
lumine: brotherhunt
paimon: 3stomaches
scaramouche: theskyisfake

sisterhmulol made a gc
sisterhmulol added literally everyone

sisterhmulol: hey guys
sisterhmulol: have u seen my sister?

walkinghazard: it's not gonna be any different from 5 mins ago 💀

poprocks: ^ what he said

sisterhmulol: did y'all even look 😐?

eulaplsgetthehint: someone should see my posters soon enough don't worry!

sisterhmulol: literally nobody is gonna see them from the sky but okay

theskyisfake: the sky is just an illusion, there's no sky.

dailyreads: bruh u got him started on this bs.
dailyreads: @theskyisfake shut up

theskyisfake: someone's mad they have no mora, yikes.

moraless: what???

walkinghazard: nothing zhongli, it's none of our business

anonlychild: ^ what he said

wheresmycalvary: can't bring urself to be nice to ur own bf diluc??

wheresmycalvary was blocked.

anonlychild: yea, anyway

OfficialGrandMaster1: Lol

wheresmycalvary: jean 😕💔

chalkmaster: it's ok kaeya
chalkmaster: you have me

kaeya: ♥☹️

chalkmaster: <3

eulaplsgetthehint: aww!
eulaplsgetthehint: i think i'm gonna be sick! <33

amberwdym: what? are you okay?
amberwdym: should i come over???

eulaplsgetthehint: yes totally lol

amberwdym: k omw

amberwdym is offline

favlibrarian: w for the lesbians today

eulaplsgetthehint: i fkn hope so.

favlibrarian: if amber is cursing that's defo a sign 🚩🚩🚩

wheresmycalvary: would miss the point even if u proposed

eulaplsgetthehint: shut up
eulaplsgetthehint: people with no calvary should never laugh

anonlychild: LMAOO

favlibrarian: 💀💀

wheresmycalvary: this is so homophobic stop
wheresmycalvary: pyro users /neg

poprocks: huh?

anonlychild: what'd you say?

cookingwithguoba: guoba can't believe his eyes rn

qiqicomehome: want a casket?

wheresmycalvary: i was just joking 😜
wheresmycalvary: i was feeling a bit silly

chalkmaster: even i can't save u sorry

wheresmycalvary: albedo, chalkmaster, please 🙏

chalkmaster: u did this to urself

wheresmycalvary: i'm a target and ur not gonna save me? fake

chalkmaster: there's too many pyro ppl for u to be saying that stuff 😕
chalkmaster: sucrose is here anyways i'm leaving cya later

wheresmycalvary: HELP

walkinghazard: and y'all have the audacity for my name to be walking hazard
walkinghazard: i'm not even a bad guy

moraless: you are

anonlychild: you totally are

theskyisfake: did you forget what organization we're apart of?

walkinghazard: okay, maybe i'm a bad guy.

theskyisfake: only losers quote themselves

walkinghazard: only losers have fucked up bangs

spiritwhen: @thyliege lol

thyliege: hmu when u don't cry over taking a hot shower

spiritwhen: ur whole social media fame revolves around me shut up

thyliege: ok
thyliege: ly tho

spiritwhen: ly too

cookingwithguoba: this was so fruity of u
cookingwithguoba: i'll make u a cake for ur coming out

ittoffical: cake? i'm in

yaeiwontbark: itto it's not for us
yaeiwontbark: they live far anyways

ittoffical: oh :/
ittoffical: @notyourhousewife make me a cake??

notyourhousewife: that is not my job

ittoffical: what if i took u to mondstat lol

notyourhousewife: wya?? 😆😆

ittoffical: i'll send my location in dms

yaeiwontbark: im so sad that this worked.
yaeiwontbark: i can have some cake tho right haha

ittoffical: yea ofc
ittoffical: come over @yaeiwontbarkand @notyourhousewife

raidenluvbot: lol gay

ittoffical: 😂😂😂 stfu

sisterhmulol: i legit just wanted to find my sister.

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