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Oh god the last chapter hurt to read back to myself I apologize profusely.


{ Quackity POV }

Red swallows more of my vision the colder the temperature gets, and I fight off flashbacks as the minecart I'm in wobbles and shakes from the high winds. The arctic sun shines me weakly in the face as the unsteady minecart makes yet another turn in this rugged, snowy, tree-filled, terrain. Dream has to be here! He has no friends, no allies, no one to turn to, nowhere to turn, so his obligatory 'friend' says something about his house, the first chance Dream gets,badda bing badda boom baby, he's gone. Once I come to the end of this train line, all I gotta do is make the trek through fifty godamn biomes, then convince Philza Minecraft to hand over the SMPs most wanted criminal. Last part's easy as cake! Second part not so much, but we'll cross those blocks once we get to them.

{ Phil POV }

D'you remember The Syndicate Phil? Those were certainly the days weren't they. Now Ranboo's married, Nikki is XD knows where doing XD knows what, I'm pretty sure Connor is back in jail, and you're old. Well, older. But anyways, to get to the point, do you remember that awesome table we had, with those multi-use chairs? The stasis chambers beneath them? I know you're reading this and thinking, 'but Techno, everyone triggered theirs already? Why are you going on a long tangent about a useless thing?' Well Philza In My Head, you are in fact correct, I did trigger my pearl with everyone else when The Syndicate dissolved, but, after some thought, I replaced it. I didn't tell anyone because it seemed smarter to leave innocents out of it. Specificlly, if I were ever captured and someone interrogated you, you wouldn't have to lie to say that I had no way of escaping, because you wouldn't know I did. Now, I know you aren't going to read this until you get a message that I have died, so, when I get Dream out, if I remain trapped I'm going to tell him to tell you to read this. If he still wears that stupid smile around you, please ask him to leave it off. If Wil sees it, it might trigger a panic attack, besides he looks much better without it doesn't he? I guess I'm writing this in vain, I'm getting out with Dream, no other option, so see you soon Pmask

I lay the parchment on my desk, and fold my face into my hands, tears slowly burning their way down my cheeks.

"I'm coming son." 

After a few minutes, I move from my position, my feet landing solidly on the floor for only a moment before I'm racing out the door, through the hallway, and down the stairs.

"Woah woah woah Phil what's wrong?" Dream calls, standing in a fighting stance on the living room floor.

"I'm getting Techno." Comes my reply as I grab my strongest suit of armor and a map from the kitchen.

"I'm coming with." Dream states, looking around for his mask.

"No you aren't. Too dangerous."

"C'mon Phil! It's just the Prison! I know that place backwards and forwards! I freaking built it!" He doesn't understand.

"I'm not going to the Prison Dream. I'm going somewhere much more dangerous." When The Syndicate dissolved, everyone triggered their enderpearls, took an armor set of their choosing, and left. Not Techno though. Their were still documents, still maps, still plans, and charts, and lists, and names that everyone was either to lazy to take care of, just wanted to leave as fast as possible, or couldn't locate, so mountains of incriminating evidence was left behind, but it was guarded possibly even better than Pandora's Vault. There are miles of redstone, traps behind every corner, underneath every stone, and the best part? All reusable. You could get swallowed by a giant pit, crushed in a wall, and the floor would reinstate itself, your body would simply disappear as if it just didn't exist. And then there's the naturally spawning mobs. If you avoid all the traps, there's a high possibility that an odd skeleton will shoot you into a tripwire, or a rude zombie punches you into a hidden button. It's far to dangerous for Dream to come along with.

"Tik! tik! tik!" I look over and see a crow tapping impatiently on the glass of the southern window. I walk over to the window still pulling on my chestplate, and let the crow in.

"Crow Father!" He shouts gasping for breath, "We have Quackity approaching the train station. He seems to have ill intentions." 

"Alright. Thank you Pete you may go rest." It looks like I'll have to put a sign up for no visitors on my way out as well.

{ Timeskip: 2 Hours }

I slowly approach the steep cliff, glancing at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand every once and a while just to make sure I won't get crushed or impaled or anything. I look up warily as a pile of snow lands silently a few feet to my left. Well, I think to myself, this was a dumb idea. I want to head back, especially when I step into the shadow of the cliff face, but the though of Techno still trapped in prison keeps me going. Looking at the map, I am able to dive a falling anvil, three arrow traps, and a pit fall. Techno really spared no expense on making this place secure. Finally, after what feels like an hour but in reality is just a few minutes, I reach the rock wall, and push aside the hanging lichen that hides the entrance. A gasp escapes my throat as I land in the darkened hallway, the once polished Blackstone, now crumbling, the lanterns that illuminated the Headquarters, long burnt out. The sound of my feet hitting the floor creates a thump that echoes around the long abandoned, once luxurious stronghold. Before I can do anything else, I need to prepare myself. I can't place any torches, that could trigger a trap if I'm not incredibly cautious, plus it'd be a horrendous waste of coal, so, instead I drink a night vision potion, and, map in hand, start making my way through this booby-trapped labyrinth.

{ Pandora's Vault POV }

The  pinkette sits in the corner, he is completely absorbed in the task at hand, and doesn't notice at first when a ticking sound starts to echo around the vault.





He looks around for the clock, but finding none, goes back to rebraiding his long, silky, pink hair.

"Almost there..."

The warrior sits straight up, he recognizes that voice.

"Phil..?" He whispers, hardly believing what he heard. "BruhhHhhHhhH! Am I seriously startin' to hallucinate? Just trigger the pearl already." Techno knocks his head somewhat gently on the rocky wall repeatedly, not noticing that his cape was starting to float, or that his slightly crooked crown was surrounded with purple particles.

"Okay Techno, stop braiding your hair and talking to yourself and come fight me!" The man by the lava screams, having been ignored for the past 15 minutes he was a bit aggitated.

"Nahh I don't think I will Quackity. Thanks for the offer though." The warrior responded in a bored sounding monotone.


"Sam said it was my choice if you were let in, since you expressed clear murderous intent."

"THAT'S BULL!" The pinkette just sighed.

"Can you stop screaming for one second please? I'm trying to focus, and you're worse than Tommy." The warrior looked up just in time to see the netherite blocks sink into the floor. Ah *sheet* he thought, watching the psychopathic smile form on Quackitys' face. And then he teleported.



Have a nice day and see you all soon :))

Potato Man in a Prison { Dreamnoblade }Where stories live. Discover now